The Bold Voice of J&K

Potential of organic farming in hilly areas

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 Dr.Banarsi Lal / Dr.Shahid Ahamad

Our farmers have indulged in indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. In order to increase the agricultural production and control of insect-pests and diseases, our farmers are increasingly depending on agro-chemicals. Now the people are questioning the impact of modern agriculture on environment, economic and social aspects. Many farmers are seeking the alternative practices that would make agriculture more sustainable and productive. Organic farming is the only alternative taking care of all ecological aspects. A natural balance needs to be maintained for sustainability of crop production system. Therefore, recycling of resources through organic farming approach is of paramount importance.
The term ‘Organic Farming’ was coined by Northbourne (1940).Organic farming is a method of farming system which primarily aimed at cultivating the land and raising crops in such a way ,so as to keep the soil in good health by the use of organic wastes and other biological materials along with beneficial microbes. Nutrients are provided to crops for increased sustainable production in an ecofriendly and pollution free environment. The aim is to create integrated, human, environmentally and economically sustainable production system which maximize reliance on farm derived renewable resources and management of ecological and biological processes and interactions so as to provide acceptable level of crop, livestock and human nutrition, protection from pests and diseases and appropriate return to the human and other resources. Organic farming means holistic production systems which refer earth- friendly methods for cultivation and food processing. It differs from other systems by the certification procedures, specific standards and a specific labeling scheme. Organic farming respects the environment by friendly practice of weeds, insect-pests and diseases control. Insecticides, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, growth hormones and antibiotics are not used in organic farming. Ecofriendly techniques are employed to increase the production. Organic farming is based on the integral relationship and we need to understand the relationship between different entities of a farm. The organic farming is based on organic relationship. Organic farming can be perceived as a system which should always be in search of natural alternatives suitable to the local specificity. The organic manures supply the nutrients in the soil, promote microbial activities and improve physical, biological and chemical properties of soils.
Organic farming is a method which recognises the ecological inter-connections between different compartments of cropping. Organic farming is based on certain principles. The organic farmer regards the farm unit as an ecosystem and recognizes that a change in one part of the system can disturb many inter-relationships that exist within the unit. The diversity at farm level creates an ecosystem that has biological checks and balances that help to prevent any one species of insect, disease or weed from becoming a problem. Natural ecosystems are characterized by a continual growth; decay and recycling of nutrients.
The farm residual are utilized in the soil to build biological fertility. It is difficult to cycle all the nutrients internally. It has been observed that about 60-90 per cent of the nutrients can be recycled. In advanced natural ecosystem producer and consumers stay together and nutrients loss is completely eliminated. This principle helps to diminish the acute dependence on outside support of nutrients, integration both animal feed production and local settlement. Organic farming is a market demand driven agriculture which aims to fetch more prices. Postharvest crop residues can be utilized to the fullest extent. Organic farming has experienced a dramatic expansion in all the crops due to increase in the awareness in the food security and environment safety. With the awareness on organic farming the area under organic farming is increasing every year. Currently the demand for organic products is more than supply. The market for organic crops growing at a very high rate each year. The reduction in the input cost in organic farming ensures higher economic net returns. The emerging challenge for food security and environment sustainability can be mitigated by the organic farming. Good market demand for organic products will have a positive impact on the socio-economic status of the farmers.
The writers are agri-scientists with KVK Reasi (Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology-Jammu).
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