The Bold Voice of J&K

Potential of natural farming in J&K


Dr Banarsi Lal

J&K is a mountainous Union Territory in which about 30 per cent of the area is under cultivation. Agriculture is the backbone of J&K. This sector provides employment directly or indirectly to about 70 per cent of its inhabitants. The average size of landholding in India is 1.08 hectares where as in Jammu & Kashmir it is 0.54 hectare. Agriculture contributes significantly to the economy of J&K which signifies the overdependence of the J&K on agriculture. Agricultural development harbingers the overall growth and development of J&K. The use of fertilizers and other agrochemicals has started to increase in J&K which deteriorates the soil health. Natural farming is a method of chemical-free agriculture drawn from the traditional Indian practices. It is a unique method of farming which relies on agro-ecology and reduces the cost of cultivation nearly zero. There is no need of expensive agro-inputs such as pesticides, fertilizers and intensive irrigation for natural farming. It has attained a wide success in many states of India especially in the Southern states. Government is stressing on this farming calling for a back to the basics of the Indian agriculture. It is a unique system of farming which sustains the agro-ecosystem including biodiversity and soil biological activities. Natural farming can prove as a major tool for the second green revolution especially in the hilly regions of India.
Majority of farmers of Union Territory of J&K have small and marginal size of land holding which generate less income particularly in the hilly areas. Natural farming system is not new and it is being followed in J&K from ancient times. It is the tradition in J&K to add organic manures in the soil which supplement nutrients and improve physical and biological properties of soils. Over the years, the farmers of the hilly Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir have adopted new agricultural technologies but still J&K is having low crop productivity of almost all the crops. There is need to develop systematic approach and plan for the development in natural farming in Jammu and Kashmir as J&K has immense potential for natural farming. Significant steps have been taken by the government in order to highlight the importance of natural farming in the growth of J&K economy. There is need to make rigorous efforts to promote natural farming in J&K. Soil health deteriorates due to indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers in the soil. In order to sustain the health of soil, natural farming is the best option. Natural farming is picking up pace in the UT of J&K and there is need of awareness and trainings of farmers for natural farming. Union Territory of J&K has huge potential for natural farming as the large area in J&K is already under semi-organic cultivation especially in hilly districts of J&K due to the lack of availability of chemical fertilizers in these areas and the farmers of these areas hardly apply the chemical fertilizers. There is need to explore markets in the country and abroad for saffron, basmati rice, Rajmash, spices and various other organic agricultural produce from J&K. Natural farming is generally environment friendly maintains soil health and enhance biodiversity. Already large numbers of farmers of J&K are growing spices, walnuts, herbs etc. by natural farming. There is need to introduce natural farming commercially and in a systematized way so that the farmers can get rich dividends and farming can become sustainable. Natural farming is a market demand driven agriculture which aims to fetch more prices. Postharvest crop residues can be utilized to the fullest extent. The reduction in the input cost in natural farming ensures higher economic net returns.
In order to improve the socio-economic status of farmers of J&K, there is need to help them to get higher returns per unit area and overall improvement in the soil health. In order to break the debt cycle, reduce the cost of cultivation and produce the healthy food, Subash Palekar Padma Shri award recipient introduced Zero Budget Natural Farming for many small and marginal farmers. According to him one cow is needed for 30 acres of land provided it should be of the local Indian breed. His method promotes soil aeration, minimum watering, top soil mulching and discourages intensive irrigation and deep ploughing. This farming is very effective in addressing the uncertainties of climate change. Farming without chemicals is possible under the natural farming method. The method of this farming is very simple and easy to adopt. Under this method of farming plants consume only 10 per cent of water that crops consume in conventional methods. Jivamrita/jeevamruthais, Bijamrita/beejamrutha, Acchadana and Whapasa are the four pillars of natural farming. Intercropping, contours and bunds, local species of earthworms and cow dung are other principles of Natural Farming. Under this farming, revival of local deep soil earthworms through increased organic matter is most recommended. Dung from the Bos indicus (humped cow) is beneficial and has the highest concentrations of micro-organisms as compared to European cow breeds such as Holstein. This type of farming is environmentally friendly and helpful to conserve the nature by improving the microbial content and water retention capacity in soils.
Special impetus on preparation of natural farming inputs, certification of organic produce and assistance for promoting bio-agents needs to be given so that farmers in near future become more competitive and generate better returns from their farms. Some specific projects on natural farming should be implemented specially in the hilly areas to promote natural farming in J&K. Area under natural farming and certified organic area need to be enhanced with the assistance of experienced service providers. Cluster approach needs to be followed to identify the potential areas and emphasis should be given on natural farming in selected areas. Specific zones need to be identified and niche areas of natural farming production needs to be identified. Firstly the base line survey of the areas needs to be conducted and after that farmer meetings need to be conducted to orient the farmers on commercial natural farming. Specific demonstrations on organic input preparation such as Jeevamrit, Beejamrit, Panchgavya, fermented buttermilk etc. should be given to the farmers. The literature in local dialect on natural farming should be provided to the farmers of selected areas of J&K. After that comprehensive trainings on all aspects of natural farming should be imparted to the farmers by the experts. Farmers should be acquainted with the uses, doses, time of application, stage of growth etc. of various natural farming bioagents. Farmers should be oriented on less cost of cultivation and higher market returns by the adoption of commercial natural farming. By practicing natural farming even small and marginal farmers in J&K can generate more returns from their farm produce. Natural farming can benefit the farmers economically and ecologically by reducing the cost of cultivation. By natural farming, the farmers of J&K can leave a better legacy for their future generations. Farmers can also generate additional income by selling the natural farming inputs. Appropriate policy framework and package of practices are needed to increase the adoption of natural farming in J&K. Institutional mechanism is also needed to promote the Natural Farming in J&K. The farmers of Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir can tap the opportunity of growing demand of natural farming products. Keeping the importance of organic products in view there is need to shift from chemical to natural farming. There is need to provide logistic support for natural farming to the farmers so that they can get maximum benefits from it. Currently the demand for organic products is more than supply. The market for organic crops is growing at a very high rate each year. The emerging challenge for food security and environment sustainability can be mitigated by the natural farming. Good market demand for natural farming products will have a positive impact on the socio-economic status of the farmers of J&K. Proper marketing mechanism needs to be strategized to sale the chemical free farm produce. It can play a significant role in enhancing the income and employment among the farmers of J&K.
(The author is Head, KVK Reasi,
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology-Jammu).

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