The Bold Voice of J&K

Are our politicians so shameless creatures?;Furore over demonetisation, silence over terror strikes

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12496177_121216974930616_3832179818040791604_o RAJ DALUJA
JAMMU: To settle political score with Prime Minister Narendra Modi over demonetisation, West Bengal Chief Minister can come down to New Delhi and make a spectacle along with Arvind Kejriwal and Omar Abdullah on Vijay Chowk ; Dr Farooq Abdullah choose Mumbai to criticise demonetization and back home questioned India’s capability to take on Pakistan; Sitaram Yechury can rush to Kerala to create a scene outside RBI headquarters while awkwardly smiling Rahul Gandhi with one and all, other than NDA partners and of course the only exception of Shiv Sena, can create a human chain to sabotage and undermine the nation’s effort to fight corruption.
Similarly, Amit Shah can visit the election bound states and trumpet over the ‘historic’ demonetisation drive by patting his back, notwithstanding the fact that the people of India do not support the move for politics of BJP but with a hope to see India free from the shackles of corrupt and black-money holders.
The politicians may have all the time to level allegations and counter-allegations as per their political exigencies but they, ruling or opposition, have no time to come together and show solidarity with valiant armed forces, who are offering sacrifice while dealing with rogue Pakistan and its terrorists on daily basis.
Have Indian politicians lost sense of proportion and conscience? Are they so drenched in power-politics that they can’t see beyond money and chair?
Indian Parliament is witnessing ruckus over the petty politics of politicians ever-since it met for the ongoing autumn session but did the parliamentarians chose to shun their narrow politics just for a moment to demonstrate nation’s solidarity with valiant jawans and the families who are losing their dear ones at their blooming age in the war theatre of Kashmir?
The politicians have all the time to make a beeline in support of Kanhaiya Kumar in Jawaharlal Nehru University, whose entire discourse is based on maligning armed forces for violating human rights and indulging in ‘rapes’ in Kashmir but none of them even tried to travel to Nagrota, Baramulla or Uri to be just by the side of brave-hearts, who attained martyrdom for sovereignty and integrity of the motherland.
Rahul Gandhi can find out enough time to visit an ex-serviceman after his alleged suicide over OROP but he cannot give his shoulder to the father of young soldier who was mutilated by Pakistani brute army in Machil Sector of Kashmir just the other day.
Indian politicians take pride in shedding tears over Ishrat Jehan, Afzal Guru, Yasin Batkal, Burhan Wani and all those inducted by Pakistan to give thousand cuts to India but they cannot force their government to snap all diplomatic ties with the rogue nation, like they are doing in seeking roll-back of demonetisation. They will not come into the well of Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha to press for declaring Pakistan a rogue state but can raise full throttle slogans for their interest and indulge in logjam to see Rs 500 and Rs 1000 invalid votes to remain in circulation. They will not force the government for making Pakistan accountable to each death and destruction on Line of Control or through terror attacks but they have cheeks to advocate resumption of dialogue process with Islamabad, as it satiates their political agenda of strengthening vote bank politics.
The spineless political activists remain always in search of tracing out the religion and caste of those getting killed by cow vigilantes or political chauvinists but they don’t take any inspiration from soldiers who lay down their lives as just Indians, no matter whether they are Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists or the caste they belong to. They care least for men in uniform but create hullaballoo whenever any miscreant or terrorist is killed because soldiers’ sacrifice does not fetch them votes.
The Indian politicians will have to pay for their misdeeds which they have committed and are committing by ignoring great sacrifices of armed forces just for sake of the power and insulation of their vested interest. The nation will fight back these shameless and spineless politicians for their greed, loot and plunder at the cost of national interest.

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