The Bold Voice of J&K

PoJK integral part of India, Modi Govt will liberate it from Pak clutches: Kavinder



JAMMU: Senior BJP leader and former Deputy Chief Minister, Kavinder Gupta on Monday asserted that Pakistan occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) is an integral part of India and the BJP Government led by PM Narendra Modi will liberate it from the clutches of Pakistan.
In a statement issued here, the BJP stalwart said that Pakistan has denied the residents of PoJK even the basic constitutional and legal rights but hypocritically speaks of the right of self-determination in J&K. He said that unemployment rate in PoJK is touching sky and the literacy rate is dismal with no development seen on ground as the governments that ruled Pakistan have not paid much attention towards developing any sector in the region.
The senior BJP leader categorically said that the military regime in Pakistan which has say in all the matters has deliberately kept the people of PoJK in a marginalized state as they don’t consider them as their own people rather they have kept them as second class citizens. ” As far as bringing investment into the region is concerned the Pakistan considered PoJK as useless entity and has done nothing in this regard”, he said, adding that no development in the region is testimony to the fact that Pakistan has only exploited PoJK and never taken any initiative to improve the lifestyle of the people out there.
Kavinder said that every Indian is bound to play his or her part in the liberation of PoJK as the Government of India is also resolute on liberating every inch of its motherland from the clutches of Pakistan and even China.
It is pertinent to mention that Parliament had passed a resolution unanimously in 1994, emphasizing that Pakistan must vacate parts of J&K under its illegal occupation.
Kavinder said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party government will fulfill its promise to liberate PoJK just like it fulfilled its promise of abrogating Article 370.

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