The Bold Voice of J&K

PM Package employees & Kashmir imbroglio


Dear Editor,
Apropos to letter ‘Listen to Woes of PM Package Employees’ by Vivek Koul published in your esteemed newspaper on 27th May, 2022, wherein writer has vividly highlighted the woes and miseries of protesting PM package employees. The spine chilling and shocking incident of Rahul Bhat’s killings has shaken the entire KP community. Martyr Rahul Bhat was appointed as a clerk in the year 2010 under a special PM’s employment package but very unfortunately became the victim of terrorism two weeks before. The security scenario in Kashmir is in shambles and the J&K UT administration has completely failed to protect minorities living in Kashmir. Earlier in the year 2021, a PM package employee Deepak Chand was mercilessly gunned down by terrorists in the school premises while he was on duty. Even after the abrogation of Article 370 and 35-A the normalcy has not returned in Kashmir. Further, all PM package employees are living in fear and deep distress & the gun culture in Kashmir has spoiled the future of school going KP children. The government has no control over innocent and targeted killings in Kashmir. This job package now seems to be like a deception package only and the centre government is not paying any heed as far as relocation of these employees is concerned. However, targeted killings goes unabated in Kashmir and some terrorist organisations have been issuing warning letters against Kashmir Pandits directing them either to leave the valley or be ready to face bad consequences. All this boils down to the facts that the PM package employees have become now soft targets of militants and thus rightly the protesting package employees are demanding their relocation outside the Kashmir valley and other safer places of India. The protesting package employees are not demanding anything impractical. Their demand is genuine and thus should be fulfilled by the centre government and J&K UT administration. One wonders as to why the centre government is showing lackadaisical approach towards their demand of relocation inspite of knowing the fact that the minorities are not safe in Kashmir. The ground situation in Kashmir is terribly volatile so PM package employees should not be made scapegoats. These hapless and unfortunate migrant package employees need a healing touch from the government and therefore the government must immediately relocate all PM package employees outside Kashmir valley.
Brij Lal Raina,
Roop Nagar, Jammu.

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