The Bold Voice of J&K

Plea to Director School Education

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Dear Editor,
One fails to understand for what work the officers are getting their salaries in the office of Directorate of School Education, Jammu. It is very agonising and painful that various grievances of teacher’s pending salaries, adjustment cases, promotions etc neither get addressed on time nor any direction or execution can be expected from the officials of Directorate of School Education, Jammu. Unfortunately, there is no ombudsman (public grievances redressal department) or any grievance execution mechanism in Directorate of School Education, Jammu where public grievances can be addressed with ease.
However, one would have to visit hundreds of times to the Office of Directorate of School Education, Jammu for the genuine redressal of their cases. Visiting the directorate office multiple times for the same concern creates extreme inconvenience and nuisance. Moreover, it is shocking that the officers from the top to bottom never take due cognisance of the cases related to teacher’s pending salaries or other grievances of the employees of School Education Department inspite of repeated requests and pleas. It has been widely observed that only false promises, wrong commitments and bogus assurances are given to the public at large for their grievances by these officers of DSE.
I would like here to make an appeal to the Director School Education, Jammu to formulate a genuine mechanism for the Speedy execution of the pending cases and other grievances of the employees of the School Education Jammu.
Vijay Singh Jamwal,
Talab Tillo, Jammu

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