The Bold Voice of J&K

People’s freedom snatched under garb of Art 370

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Dear Editor,
JK State has been ruled by Congress, NC and PDP and all the three failed to deliver justice and good governance in the State. God knows how much money the State’s respective Govts. received in the name of  development of J and K, but development seems no where in the State. Roads even in the cities of Jammu as well as in Kashmir Division are seen in shambles.
JK State is a poor state, but the rulers are not poor. This can be gauged from the affidavits given by the contesting candidates which also reflects the otherwise developments in JK State i.e. a legalised corruption.
Majority people in the State both from Kashmir and Jammu Division who belong to the backward classes and who form about 60 per cent of the State population have been totally ignored. PDP Superemo Mufati Mohd Sayeed has to reply over the social injustice with these people. He too threwaway the memorandum presented while he was the Chief Minister of the State for three years. Meaning of social justice for NC Working President and Chief Minister is far away from his governance. While Congress in the State remained busy in protecting the hierarchy of Jawahar Lal Nehru who failed to do justices by rejecting the Kalkar Commission’s report meant for OBC’s freedom.
So there is no logic in the statements of NC, Congress and PDP for begging votes to rule the State because majority people are fed up and do not like the appearance of such political parties once again.
These three political parties in the State did not execute the Indian Constitution and marred the due rights of the poor people in the name of Art 370 which otherwise provides more benefits to the State subjects but these rulers snatched their due rights, proved more dangerous than the English people.
Now Assembly elections have started, these political parties are begging votes in the Name of Development Plank which is funny as Development of any kind without social justice is nothing but a treacherous move to loot, befool and cheat the people.
Enough is enough! Why Mufti Mohd Sayeed is crying for BJP’s divisive move. He is also saying the same things to get majority like other Political parties which are begging votes can also be termed as divisive forces. When one party gains, other loses. Used cartridges cannot be used again, so people of the State are fed up with such Political parties. Let the new launched political parties and BJP get a chance to rule the State and let the people see what they say and what they do. Let the people test them and make difference between their statements and the practical work. We must forget the Jammu-Kashmir dispute, whether it was an accession for one reasons or the other, JK State is with India. One has to get oneself satisfied once for all that “Jammu-Kashmir is a part of India and nobody can now snatch it” and if there is some to bilateral talk, the base of the talk remains the same i.e. “Jammu – Kashmir is an integral part of India”.
So it is appealed to the State people to set aside the tested political parties in J and K and allow others to appear for a change with more expectations.
Prof. Kali Dass
Gen. Secretary

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