The Bold Voice of J&K

An open letter to Amit Shah BJP President

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Dear Editor,
State people slowly and steadily are rejecting the NC, Congress and PDP in the State in view of their treacherous and anti-people policies. Congress is crying and raising the slogan of fundamental forces, PDP now silent over its Self-Rule and NC’s diminished Autonomous State slogan, all were the instruments of repression to mislead the State people. These political parties had only one formula to exploit the Central Govt. for catching more and more financial help but failed to give good governance to the people. Their plank of development to get votes in the Assembly elections is the only option left with them as they have no other agenda. Every body knows that development of any kind without Constitutional right is meaningless, senseless and baseless. PDP Superemo Mufti Mohd Sayeed always talks about development of Kashmir instead of Jammu and Kashmir. Those who cheat, deceive and stop the flow of justice to the commons against the view of the Constitution and Apex Court’s judgment by making the mis-use of Art 370, are the only fundamentalists and the parties like NC, Congress and PDP automatically fall into this category as none of these parties implemented the Apex Court’s judgment in J and K which is the only state in which OBCs whose population is about 60 per cent have been deprived from their constitutional rights. Whereas their counter partners in other states and in Central Govt. services are enjoying the benefits.
In a meeting which was held have under the presidentship of its President Abdul Majid Malik, President of the Union, PDP, N.C and Congress were appealed for decisive role which people feel as deceiving them.
All the members and speakers reminded Amit Shah, the President of BJP that during Lok Sabha elections, matter of OBC reservation was raised by the Prime Minister Narinder Modi and the State OBCs every where supported the Mission 272+ for Lok Sabha elections in which BJP got thumping majority.
Now the State Assembly elections are due and members of the union have already apprised the problems of the State OBCs to almost all the top BJP leaders to accommodate and address their problems.
For that union has already written letters to Prime Minister Narinder Modi, MoS in PMO Dr. Jatinder Singh, MP Avinash Rai Khanna and State BJP President and M.P Jugal Kishore Sharma.
So BJP president is therefore appealed to accommodate the demand of reservation issue of OBCs of the State in BJP’s manifesto and simultaneous by some other attractive programmes for State OBCs for the success of Mission 44+ in the State as menifesto is the index of a political party which it will take in the field of elections.
Others who shared their views were: Sandokh Chand, Bodh Raj Dogra, Sardar Rajinder Singh, Mohd Hanief, Mohd Hussain, Shabir Ahmed, Ab. Rashid, Mohd Mushtaq, Sain Dass, Puran Chargotra, Prof. Kali Dass and many others.
Prof. Kali Dass
Gen. Secretary AIBCU

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