The Bold Voice of J&K

Non-recognitionof AMOCE(I) Section (A&B) Civil Engineering Degree

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Dear Editor,
We, the Junior Engineers working in OHE.I and FC Department of J and K State would like to bring to kind notice of Chief Minister and Minister for PHE, I and FC Department of J and K State that we have passed section (A and B) Civil Engineering Associate Membership Examination from the Institution of Civil Engineers (India) Ludhiana, Punjab and we have submitted our degrees through proper channel in the Office of Commissioner/Secretary to Government PHE, I and FC Ddepartment Civil Secretariat Jammu/Srinagar for inclusion of our names in the seniority list of Junior Engineers (Civil) Degree Holders,but the PHE Department has not incorporated our names in the seniority list of JE (Civil) Degree holders since 2010 and our files are pending for disposal of the same.
It is pertinent to mention here that Section (A&B) Civil Engineering Degree from the Institution of Civil Engineers (India), Ludhiana, Pubjab is recognised by Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India, Department of Higher Education vide Gazette notification No:-F-24-1/2007-TS-111 Dated 6th November 2007.
All India Council for Technical Education New Delhi has also approved the same degree vide letter F. No EQVI/AB/Gen./Coor/2008-09 Dated:- 16th September 2008.
Distance Education Council Govt. of India has also approved it vide letter F No. DEC/ICE/08/7901 Dated 25th April 2008.
UPSC has clarified vide their letter No. F.2/1/2007-EIB dated 30th June 2008 and Association of Indian Universities New Delhi have also approved vide letter No. EV/11/366/2008/71 Dated 11th April 2008.m Union Ministry of Human Resources Development, Department of Higher Education, Govt of India has issued one Office Memorandum vide its F No. 11-15/2011-AR-TS-11 Dated 06th December 2012 in which recognition to the AMICE degree and AMIE degree was granted with students enrolled upto 31st May 2013 and those would be eligible for Central Government jobs. We all have passed our degree within thelimits of this order of MHRD, Government of India.
The PWD ( R&B) Department of J and K State has accepted the above said qualification and included the concerned Junior Engineers in the seniority list of JE ( Civil) Degree holders.
It is very unfortunate that one department i.e.PWD ( R&B) is accepting the above said qualification but sister concerned department i.e. PHE is not accepting the same that too working under one roof. Moreover University Grants Commission, New Delhi has also issued one Public Notice on Equivalency of Degrees vide their letter No. F 9-3/2016 (CP-11) dated 19th July 2016 wherein it is clearly stated that in cases of employment, promotions etc. equivalence of degree is decided by the employing organisation which clearly reflects that department can take decision of its own.Keeping in view the above facts it is requested to Chief Minister for PHE, I&FC Department of J&K State to consider our genuine case and direct the Commissioner Secretary to Government PHE, I and FC Department to accept our AMICE (I) Civil Section (A & B) Degree from the institution of Civil Engineers (India), Ludhiana, Punjab and fix our seniority in the seniority list of JE Civil Degree holders for promotional benefits so that we heave a sigh of relief.
Naseem Bhat
On behalf of all aspiring AMICE(I) Civil Junior Engineers of PHE, I and FC Department, J and K.

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