The Bold Voice of J&K

Nomination of new DCC president creates dismay

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UDHAMPUR: In view of forth coming assembly elections in J and K State the JKPCC has expedited party activities and is bent upon changing guard at district level. However, after nomination of Ashok Gupta as new District Congress Committee (DCC) President for Udhampur the local political scenario within the Congress party. Gupta’s assignment as DCC president has created unrest among the staunch party workers. Pleading anonymity, a veteran party worker said that the move of appointing new DCC president by ignoring well qualified and dedicated workers has spread dismay and chaos among the workers.
According to party sources, the elevation of Ashok Gupta as DCC president will have a negative impact on the party rather than rejuvenating the morale of workers and staunch party supporters. The party sources also informed that Ashok being inexperienced lacks political skills and has poor tie-up with grass-root level workers. Disappointed over the nomination of new DCC president, workers said that this move will have adverse effects on local polity which is not good for Congress Party which is already passing through bad times across the country. The workers reiterated that replacing DCC president with an experienced and favourite candidate can only restore enthusiasm and required zest among party workers and supporters which is necessary at this juncture.

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