The Bold Voice of J&K

No need to win hearts in Kashmir if they bleed for terrorists!

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JAMMU: India will have to rein in terror regime in Kashmir and Pak occupied Kashmir just like America does by carrying out drone attacks deep into the territories of Pakistan and Afghanistan in pursuit of its targets or like Islamabad has been quite often doing to tackle its own terrorists. How can elimination of terrorists be right for the US or Pakistan and not for India?
Long rope has been given to terrorists and their harboures under the mistaken belief of them being ‘misguided youth’. Those using such terms for lunatics are actually sympathetic to the cause they are espousing by martyring jawans, killing innocents and destroying public assets. They need to be tackled and there should be no question of showing any leniency towards them.
What can be ironical than the fact that Indian state has not been able to evolve a policy vis a vis Kashmir, especially in the backdrop of violence being used to achieve political objectives. Tackling terror with iron fists is projected as violation of human rights by all and sundry-separatists, secessionists, mainstream politicians, pseudo activists and even by several political outfits of the country. So long this syndrome persists, especially among the policy planners, Kashmir will continue to bleed. And, as long as New Delhi’s think-tank keeps believing that Kashmir will be normalized by winning hearts and minds, the scenario will remain the same as it was at the peak of terrorism in 1990.
How many hearts have been won during two and half decades? None! Instead of situation showing semblance of normalcy, it is going bad to worse. Those working behind veils to sponsor terror have got emboldened to such an extent that they are now openly challenging the integrity and sovereignty of India. They are mocking at whatever symbolizes Indian nation. Terrorism is getting new lease due to weak-kneed policy and experiments being done by New Delhi. Killing of policemen and latest Pampore incident is testimony to the ‘mission of terrorists’ active in Kashmir. If they are being funded and armed from across the border, crucial logistic and moral support from within is forthcoming with ease, not only from separatists but also from those who are or have been at the helm in the State.
The apparent normalcy in the Valley is cosmetic. A volcano is brewing up which may explode anytime. This cannot be controlled by sermons from the national capital. Something concrete and practical will have to be done to neutralize anti-national elements, whether brandishing guns or vitiating the atmosphere by their venomous statements. They are to be taken head on.
Remember what the then US Secretary of State Henry Clinton had said post-Osama bin Laden’s assassination, “The United States has made it clear from the very moment we were attacked (9/11) that we would go after those who had attacked us. Bin Laden was our primary target. The President made a gutsy decision. We were very pleased that the operation succeeded. And we’ve made it clear to people around the world that if we locate someone who has been part of the Al Qaeda leadership, then you get him or we will get him.”
This is how nations roll out their security strategies. However, this is not a case with India, even after the ‘iron-man’ Narendra Modi took over the command of the Union. Reeling under the scourge of terror for over 26 years, the nation has not developed a will to deal with the enemy.
Pakistan has not been only carrying out overt and covert acts of terrorism in India but it has been causing lot of provocations on the borders, apart from targeting security forces within the State through its mercenaries. Despite talking peace, Pakistan continues to indulge in violations and carrying out terror strikes by providing moral and material support to terrorists operating from Pak-occupied-Kashmir. What should be our response? Not at least the goof ups because these would take us nowhere. These errors could weaken our claim that the neighbour has become a haven for extremists plotting cross-border strikes.
Instead of beating bushes, India must do some brain-storming for working out a strategy to defeat terrorism. This should be a national agenda.
There has to be a consensus and not accusations and counter accusations. Terrorism has to be taken head on with the single mission of eliminating terror mongers and neutralizing their harboures. There should be no room for experiments. The experiment that Kashmir imbroglio can be solved by winning over hearts and minds may prove to be self-destructive and suicidal. Where is the need for winning hearts if they bleed for terrorists?

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