The Bold Voice of J&K


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Day by day crimes are increasing in the society. The main reason for increasing crime is our changing lifestyle, social conditions, mental stress, increasing use of social media, cheap internet. Many people learn to commit crimes only by watching videos on the internet, while some instigate people through social media. There is also a reason that criminals do not fear punishment, the law of the country is very flexible. The criminals take advantage of this and get away.
Today every man is roaming around with internet in his pocket. There have been many revolutionary changes with the advent of the Internet, but the most adverse effect is on the young generation. While social media has worked to connect people, it has also given rise to many crimes.
As we are moving towards modernity, our traditions and values are being left behind. We have become so attracted by the beauty and glitter of western civilization that we have forgotten our values. Today nuclear families are increasing rapidly, and joint families are breaking down where small children used to get the affection and sanskars of grandparents, which is no longer there.
This is the reason that the coming generation is being deprived of these values and is moving on the wrong path because there is no one to guide them. The parents are busy earning money, and there is no one to discipline the children or scold them for their mistakes.
At present, our legal system is very flexible, due to which the criminals have no fear of law. If the law in our country is made so strict that there is a provision of severe punishment for even the smallest crime and high fine is imposed, then perhaps this fear prevails in the mind of the person who commits the crime, then every criminal, before committing the crime, think many times.

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