The Bold Voice of J&K

Natural disaster is havoc the man made

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Rakesh Journalist

The natural disaster in the kind of rainy weather in September (4th to 8th ) in Jammu and Kashmir had evidently gestured once more about this fact of life that natural disaster is quite worse than the man made .
By installing factories and industries we are also forwarding towards the tense situations in future course of life for coming generations. Our present luxuries of life are depleting coming generation’s essential needs vehemently. Probably such factors are responsible for the emergence of like this type of natural calamities as there had been occurred in the Srinagar.
The regular raining pattern there in the J and K region had once again coerced a common man the need to think about the gratitude of the nature over the man made world of realities. The regular and thrashing phenomenon of the rain had led to a huge devastation there in whole region of the State but it largely harmed the Kashmir valley to a greater extent .During this incident so many of the districts like Poonch, Rajoury, Shopian, Akhnoor, Sopore, etc had been totally cut- off from the network of the administration.
The failure of the civic amenities supply like power, drinking water, transport facility, civil affairs , communication ,had dwarfed the human life in the complete sense after the incidence of calamity in the State where thousands of buildings had been galloped in the flood emerging out of the rivers like Chenab, Ravi, and other local regions of the State . The regions consistent to the rivers and local Nallahs had received the huge of loss in the shape of human life and property.
Srinagar and Jammu province are mostly affected in this calamity, caused the general life to the standstill mode vehemently in which our government had been seen so  lethargic to help the people in an immediate manner. If we talk about the Jammu region first it was hit in very bad manner by the rainfall and wind storm within this incident. Areas consistent to the Basantar channel like Udhampur whole, Barota -Camp, Kamore Pakhari, Rangoor, Chak-Paras, Nanga, of Ramgarh Sector towrds the lower belt comprising Pindi- Kathar, Nandpur, Allaha, Sai -camp of RS Pura Sector to Poonch, Rajoury belt was affected in very bad way.
River Tawi of the Jammu region had also broken the record of almost past history in brimming flow of water in its channel which had caused the breakage of so many bridges and projects under construction in its channel. The shattering of the Tawi’s fifth bridge rebuilt at the Phalian-Mandal had delinked to more than 60 villages below its stretch viz Surechak, Mukwal, Pargwal, Raipur dairy, Beli-Charana, Wazire Chack, Sardare Chack, Karpalpur, Chhanni, Nandani, Ganduchack, Haripur, Tharwal, Parladpur, Purechack, Doanamore, Gorainchack, Rambagh, Kulian, Mohrha, Sumb, Toff, Jawalapuri, Malkechack, Lorra, Suanjana, Prambli, Bakshikothen, Karnaile Chack, etc. In -addition to it free flow of the River Tawi had occurred with the heavy flood inside the region where so many of these villages had been fully brimmed with the rising water. The repercussion done to the tribal people like Gujjars who would have sheltered their buffaloes under temporary shelters made up of straw but had been flown along with the River’s stubborn flow. It had delinked the transport factor very badly as the supply network there in the area became standstill which is the main factor behind the late rehabilitation by the military and para-millitary forces. Though the more than 55 BSF Jawans had been caught in the web of heavy flood who were only evacuated with the help of helicopter. No doubt the forces in the region comprising BSF and Indian army had also delivered the helicopter facility to the civilian people there also. More than 73 refugee camps had been installed there in the Jammu province  and more than 1,555 lives had been demised in this heavy flood phenomenon. In order to link these villages with the Jammu main Indian Army did an iconic work by reconstructing the Tawi’s fifth bridge and made the ravaged area communicable. But it is unfortunate thing for all of us that during this the region of Jammu province like Poonch, Rajouri, and its consistent were totally rendered as delinked from the main controlling centre of Jammu for many days due to  standstill network of power supply, telephone service, road network etc.
As compared to the Jammu province Srinagar province had been very badly affected by this flood phenomenon due to shape of the Kashmir Valley which is just like a bowl and is the sole cause of its ruin. Owing to this factor the water level had been upraised inside the entire Valley of Kashmir consistent to the Rivers Jhelum, Chenab, Dal Lake, and others. The water level was upraised to the scale of about the 40 feet height as per the sources information which had been rendered a problematic issue within last many days.
More than 60 flights of the Air India, Jet Airways, Indian Army choppers, etc had worked there more  for than a forthnight to drop the relief package as well as to evacuate the people from the dangerous places like Indira Nagar, Dal Lake, from across the main city surrounding of the Srinagar etc. But it the Indian Army who enters first of all and leaves last of the every  teams like Indian Air Force, NDRF, Sea Groovers, etc made very bold efforts to relief the people inside the stretch of the flash flood .
Shashi Chander, a flash flood victim told that he was the one with group comprising of more than50 persons including Dogra and Kashmiri who faced this flash flood for more than two days at the venue Indira Nagar and remained for four days at the surrounding of Dal lake near Nishat Bagh. It was the only an emergent place in the locality where thousands of the people had gathered  and for first two days they all survived on the unripe apple fruit availed in the Bagh  and they were fully dependant on the scarce supply of the laudable supply of the air dropping by the Indian Army.

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