The Bold Voice of J&K

Nanhi Pari Scheme for Girl Child: A Good Initiative

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Dr. Rajkumar Singh

The Nanhi Pari Programme is an initiative by the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) in India aimed at improving the health and well-being of new-born girls. The programme was launched to address the issue of declining sex ratios and to ensure that female infants receive the necessary care and support right from birth and largely it includes: a. Health Check-ups: The programme focuses on providing comprehensive health check-ups for new-born girls, ensuring they receive necessary medical care and vaccinations. b. Nutritional Support: Special attention is given to the nutritional needs of female infants, including the provision of supplements and advice on proper feeding practices. c. Awareness Campaigns: The initiative includes campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of gender equality and the value of the girl child in society. d. Monitoring and Follow-up: Continuous monitoring and follow-up are conducted to track the health and development of the new-born girls enrolled in the programme. e. Support for Families: The programme also extends support to families, helping them understand the significance of caring for the girl child and providing resources to do so effectively. f. Partnerships with Healthcare Facilities: The Nanhi Pari Programme collaborates with various hospitals and healthcare centres to ensure that the services are accessible to all eligible families. g. Reducing Infant Mortality: By offering targeted healthcare services to female infants, the programme seeks to reduce infant mortality rates and improve the overall health outcomes of new-born girls. h. Empowering Families: Supporting families with resources, information, and guidance to better care for their girl children, thereby fostering a more supportive environment for the development of the girl child. i. Creating a Supportive Healthcare Infrastructure: Collaborating with healthcare facilities to ensure that the necessary services are accessible and available to all eligible families, thereby strengthening the healthcare system’s ability to support newborn girls. In nutshell, the Nanhi Pari Programme aims to create a supportive environment for the girl child, promoting her health and well-being from the earliest stages of life. The primary purpose of the Nanhi Pari Programme is to address and mitigate the issues associated with gender disparity and to promote the health and well-being of new-born girls.
Benefits of the scheme
The Nanhi Pari Programme offers numerous benefits aimed at improving the health, well-being, and social status of newborn girls and their families. Some key benefits of the programme include: a. Improved Health Outcomes: Regular health check-ups and timely immunizations help in early detection and treatment of health issues.Nutritional support ensures that girl children receive the necessary nutrients for healthy growth and development. b. Reduction in Infant Mortality: Comprehensive healthcare services reduce the risk of infant mortality among girl children by addressing preventable diseases and health conditions. c. Enhanced Awareness and Education. Awareness campaigns educate families and communities about the importance of gender equality and the value of the girl child.Increased knowledge leads to better care practices and reduced gender-based discrimination. d. Empowerment of Families:Providing resources, guidance, and support to families helps them better care for their girl children, fostering a positive and nurturing environment. Empowered families are more likely to invest in the education and well-being of their daughters. e. Supportive Healthcare Infrastructure: Collaboration with healthcare facilities ensures that necessary services are accessible and available, creating a robust support system for newborn girls. Strengthened healthcare infrastructure benefits all children, not just those enrolled in the programme. f. Positive Social Impact: By promoting gender equality and challenging societal norms, the programme contributes to a more balanced and equitable society. Improved gender ratios can lead to long-term social and economic benefits, as empowered women are better able to contribute to their communities and the economy. g. Holistic Development: The programme addresses various aspects of a child’s development, including physical, emotional, and social well-being. A holistic approach ensures that girl children grow up healthy, confident, and well-rounded. Overall, the Nanhi Pari Programme provides comprehensive support to ensure that newborn girls have a healthy and promising start in life, thereby contributing to a more just and equal society.
Prospects of the scheme
The Nanhi Pari Programme holds significant prospects in India, given the country’s ongoing challenges with gender disparity and the need for improved healthcare for female infants. Some of the potential prospects and positive impacts of the programme in India include: a. Enhanced Gender Equality: By focusing on the health and well-being of girl children, the programme can contribute to improving the gender ratio and promoting gender equality from birth. Changing societal attitudes towards girl children can lead to long-term shifts in gender norms and reduce gender-based discrimination. b. Improved Public Health: Widespread implementation of the programme can lead to better health outcomes for female infants, reducing infant mortality rates and improving overall child health. Enhanced healthcare services and regular check-ups can lead to early detection and treatment of health issues, improving the quality of life for girl children. c. Economic Benefits:Healthier girl children who receive proper nutrition and medical care are more likely to grow into healthy, educated, and productive adults, contributing to the economy.
Empowering women through better health and education can lead to increased workforce participation and economic growth. d. Strengthened Healthcare Infrastructure: The programme’s collaboration with healthcare facilities can improve the overall healthcare infrastructure, benefiting not just girl children but all children and their families. Improved healthcare services can lead to better health outcomes for the broader population. e. Social Development: Raising awareness about the value of girl children and promoting gender equality can lead to more inclusive and equitable communities. The programme can inspire other initiatives aimed at addressing gender disparities and improving child health and welfare. f. Government and Policy Support:Successful implementation of the programme can lead to increased government and policy support for similar initiatives, ensuring sustainable and long-term impact. Policy makers may be encouraged to allocate more resources towards gender equality and child health programmes. g. Community Engagement and Empowerment: The programme’s focus on community awareness and education can lead to greater community engagement and collective efforts to support girl children. Empowered communities are better equipped to advocate for their rights and needs, leading to more robust social support systems. h. Replication and Scaling: Success of the Nanhi Pari Programme can serve as a model for other regions and states in India, leading to wider adoption and scaling of similar initiatives.
International recognition and support could also lead to the replication of the programme in other countries facing similar challenges.
In conclusion, the Nanhi Pari Programme has the potential to bring about significant positive changes in India by addressing gender disparities, improving child health, and fostering a more equitable society.
(The writer is a youth motivator and former Head of the University Department of Political Science, B.N. Mandal University)

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