The Bold Voice of J&K

More to Life

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 Mamta Malhotra

Woods are lovely dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
Miles to go before I sleep,
Miles to go before I sleep.
Man gets married, a child is born, he is sent for schooling, the child grows up and stands on his own feet, the child turns into youngman and then that youngman gets married and the same circle goes on. The child becomes father, father becomes grandfather and cycle of life keeps
One question arises in between the cycle — Man works hard to rare up the child, to run the family, to provide the necessities.
And when this task is accomplished what next? Is it the Cessation-end or a new beginning?
Is the completion of worldly duties all about living or there is more to life?
Definitely yes, the duties are to be fulfilled. These are the debt which one has to pay. An Obligatory Cycle it is!
But what is ‘More to life’?
Life is not merely breathing, beating of the heart, circulation of the blood — there is certainly much more to life.
Life is being alive, being visible, being accessible, being felt and that ‘FELT’ is not only limited to one’s family but to the people around.
Life is ‘Touching other people in a positive way’ spreading the smile amongst the people from known to unknown, from close to far, from one corner to another.
And the touch is working selflessly for others. Yes, we can call it charity. But charity does not always mean donating money. Charity can be one cup of milk to a little hungry weeping child whose mother can’t afford it. Charity can be your time spent on some old person who needs company and is looking forward to share his youth days stories. Charity can be offering your umbrella to someone standing in the rain. It can be offering your seat in the train to some female passenger, child or some old man.
It can be a glass of water to some passerby in the hot summer days. It can also be a bulb outside your house kept on for the whole night with the purpose of showing the way to the people. The need can be very small but your little help can make a big difference.
When you try to wipe tears of a depressed person around, you bring smile not only on his face but you feel so rich within yourself. It does not cost money.
Share your wisdom, spread positivity and it will surely get back to you.
Make a routine, help one person everyday. It will add purpose to life and moreover it will generate the feeling of ‘Being Valued’ within you.
Little effort, little time, little will, little thought and see the magic happening. You will witness the flow of love, admiration and acceptance around you.
“Let other person take the initiative and I will follow”
Why – Is the other person more capable – more willing – more strong – more resourceful than you?
No, but may be he is more determined and dedicated than you.
Mother Teresa didn’t have four hands neither she belonged to a multi millionaire family. She was just an ordinary simple person but her determination to serve the humanity was so strong which raised her level to a Saint.
I agree everybody cannot be like her but we can at least look around us and see how can we help the people in whatever way we can. Share your smile and it will automatically multiply. Small effort, little time and see what positively you will get back.
More to life is the way you live it. Live your life by sharing it with others, caring for others and see your treasure of happiness growing day by day.
‘More to life’ is adding fragrance to your being. Wherever you will go, your fragrance will rejuvenate the environment and will inspire others to follow you.
Keep on adding, keep on multiplying, keep on counting the abundant love you will possess.
(The author is Assistant Professor
J.K. College of Education
Kunjwani, Jammu)

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