The Bold Voice of J&K

Military should be excluded from RTI


R K Sinha

Just pay attention as to why are a specific section of society taking undue special intention in Right to Information about Defence establishments and unnecessarily curious and concerned about the war preparations of military? Is the operations and working of military should be made public? Who are those people who in the name of right to information (RTI), asking for military strategy and preparations related information from different units of army, agencies and cantonment? These questions became important these days as it has been seen that some specific elements are interested in extracting highly sensitive and important information, which is not concerned in any way to them. For all this reason system of military has attain the alert mode. They are monitoring all such situations. They have demanded to exclude the army from RTI act. This demand is significant most logical and should be seriously considered. On 28th April last, a meeting headed by central cabinet secretary was held in which serious concerns were expressed about the extraction of important information of military in the name of RTI. This meeting was held two days before the retirement of Army Chief Manoj Mukund Narvane. The meaningful demand by the military must be addressed sincerely. The government should make firm decision in order to protect the internal security and to maintain confidentiality of the functioning of military. The information procured by the citizens through the RTI admittedly has some limitations. With the RTI, nation informs its citizens about the working and administrative system. In a democratic setup, people mandate persons to form government ,to rule over themselves and in return, expect the government to be honest and conscientious in performing its responsibilities. But the citizens cannot be allowed to procure information related to national security and defense. It is evident that these are the people with vicious intentions. It is obvious that India has many disguised enemies like Jaichand and Mir Zaafars. This consists of some hidden traitors inside the military and some so-called journalists also. They always try to procure information with the RTI tool. In return they are credited a hefty amount in cash and kinds. That’s why they don’t hesitate to sell the interest of their motherland. They have lost their conscience. Along with this another significant demand is arising to exclude some other government departments like Intelligence Bureau, RAW, National Security Guards (NSG), Border Security Force, Central Reserve Police Force etc from the RTI gamut or to limit the types and extent of information to be procured through RTI. Means people working or retired from these departments should only be allowed to get job and pension related information. Last year the arrest of so-called senior journalist Rajiv Sharma in Delhi made headlines, he was indulged in espionage to China. It was found that he procured information through RTI and shared it with China. He was detained under ‘Official Secret Act’ (OSS). Many sensitive information from national security point of view, was handed over to China by him. He was paid a big amount for it. Actually, some vicious elements have started misusing this magnificent act. In the judgement given by Supreme Court in December 2019, stated, “In order to stop misuse of RTI act and prevent the ‘criminal intimidation’ through it, guidelines should be made for RTI act”. Then bench of Chief Justice S A Bobde, Justice B R Gavai and justice Suryakant said that” We are not against the RTI act, but we are feeling that a set of guidelines must be made for its regulations”. The bench added that some people are no way involved in filing RTI petition. It is sometimes used as criminal intimidation or blackmail. See, the government is aware about the surge in RTI petitions. Many people ask nonsense questions. It must be assured that the act is not misused. Once an officer of Central Cultural ministry told me that every year dozens of application are submitted in his department asking for the person who said Gandhi ‘Mahatma’ for the first time. Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti works under cultural ministry. Means a considerable amount of time of government employees are wasted in answering these meaningless RTIs. But here the matter is related to military and sensitive government department responsible for national security. These are highly sensitive and important departments of country. There is no dearth of enemies inside and outside India. India has to consistently combat China and Pakistan. New Chief of army staff general Manoj Pandey said that Indian troops are stationed with China on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) . There is no clarity from China side on border disputes. Some devils in disguise are working for the same China which is number one enemy of India. These people should be treated with right medicine. Along with it the government should think and verify the candidature of the applicants before sharing any information related to national security in order to prevent it from reaching it in the hands of anti national elements. Individual character and background of such persons asking for the information should also be cross checked.
(The writer is senior editor, columnist and Former MP).

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