The Bold Voice of J&K

Losar celebrations begin across Ladakh

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LEH: Hundreds of people attired in traditional Ladakhi dress with Khatags – the traditional sacred white scarf – in their hands thronged Leh Chowkhang Vihara, Gonpa Soma Shrine, on Friday morning to offer Khatags to the Chow Rinpochey Statue to auspiciously begin the celebration of Losar, the Ladakhi New Year.
President Ladakh Buddhist Association (LBA), Tsewang Thinless hoisted the prayer flag in the premises of the Chowkhang Vihara and prayed for peace, prosperity and communal harmony in the coming year which was followed by a colourful traditional cultural performance.
Among others who were present on the occasion included CEC, LAHDC, Leh Dr Sonam Dawa, LBA Youth Wing President Rinchen Namgyal, Vice President LBA PT Kunzang, former CEC Rigzin Spalbar and many other guests.
Muslim and Christian communities of Ladakh extended warm greetings to the Buddhist community on the auspicious occasion of Losar and prayed that peace, prosperity and communal harmony prevail in the coming year. Like every year Muslims and Christians of Leh visited their Buddhist friends and greet them on Losar.
President LBA urged Ladakhis for less use of alcohol and meat during Losar celebrations.
On the auspicious occasion of Losar, he unveiled a written message from LBA containing its upcoming activities for the welfare of Ladakhi society in the coming year. Thinless extended warm greetings to all Ladakhis including students studying outside Ladakh and also those serving military and paramilitary forces to guard the nation.
Ladakhi Losar is celebrated on the first day of the 11 month of Tibetan Calendar every year amongst the Buddhist community and celebrations take place for several days in some places. Losar starts with the offering of greetings to the gods and goddesses, elders, relatives and friends. The elders await the customary visitors who come to greet the family with presents and Khatags. The younger members go out to visit other families. In the morning of 1st of January 2017 a mega cultural at Leh bazaar has been planned by LBA as a part of Losar celebrations and to mark and welcome the New Year. The festivities of Ladakhi Losar start on the 29th day of the 10th month of the Tibetan Calendar (which was on the 27th December) with the illumination of buildings and Shrines.

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