The Bold Voice of J&K

How long India continues to loose men, material?

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Ravinder Jalali 

Has India become spineless in the wake of frequent terrorist attack on the security forces in J and K, despite the clear message from the Prime Minister Narindra Modi himself that, although India is committed for engagement with Pakistan for peace as supreme objective but the forces are free to bounce back in whatever manner they have to and whenever there is a need to do so, I fail to understand what restricts from acting and implementing the instructions. It is nice for the politicians and the top brass to appreciate the security forces for exercising the restraint to avoid the civil killings in the retaliation by the forces. It is because of the fact that they are not at stake and when ever they have to travel they take adequate precaution and sufficient protection. Now the question is about the safety and concern of the security forces that have to provide protection to VIPs, politicians, civilians, etc. How safe they are themselves?
The recent statement of CRPF as per reports, expressing regret over pellet injuries caused to youths due to use of pellet guns in the valley is treacherous and disastrous. This shows the callous attitude of our top cops handling the crisis in the Valley. He has sprinkled salt on the wounds of security persons who are fighting a proxy war in Kashmir. He had no words for the security forces that are subject to day in and day out attack by the terrorists. Perhaps he is not aware of the definition of terrorist and terrorism. They do not carry any identity card or any other valid document issued by the Govt. It seems that the top cop as well as Home Ministry are not briefed by the Govt. regarding the nature of the crowd or are deliberately ignoring for some political reasons. Let it be known that these boys are not a part of an ordinary peaceful crowd protesting for some genuine cause. The youth carrying ISIS flags, raising Anti-India and Pro-Pak slogans and hurling stones and throwing grenades and petrol bombs on the security forces are not ordinary people. They are not even misguided youths. They are the paid agents of separatists who are being funded by the Pakistan to carry out terrorist activities. DG CRPF should have more concern about his men who are fighting Pakistan sponsored terrorism in the valley. Is he aware of the number of his own men who have suffered injuries and how many of them are in ICUs? Does he know that these crowds overturned security vehicle and threw the vehicle along with the driver into river Jhelum in a cruel and barbaric manner?
The security forces are not to be used as cannon fodder but they are there to eliminate the enemy and not themselves. The security forces should have orders to retaliate to overcome those who are bent upon to disrupt the peace and attack them. Recently in a quick succession of events, we saw militants attacking the police and Para-military forces openly in a broad day light and inflicting deaths and injuries to many and after committing the heinous act, they run away from the scene and are not traceable. This speaks that the morale of the militants are very high.
The government has granted an amnesty to stone pelters and this has come as a big boost for the militancy. They are now the potential recruits for the ISIS or any other terrorist organisations. The Govt. claim that there is no presence of ISIS in J and K is ridiculous. I don’t understand what they mean by claiming that there is no presence of ISIS when on every Friday there are people who hoist ISIS flags and raise anti-India slogans. What more they want? Do the government expect the ISIS chief Baghdadi to be present in Valley or the ISIS cadre should be from Arab or Middle East and only then they will accept that the presence of ISIS or do they wait for any other incident to take place before accepting their presence. It is ridiculous. The action should have been at the beginning before they will raise their ugly head and it will be late and uncontrollable afterwards.
The Govt. seems to lack the basic spirit of wiping out the militancy. The Govt. must realise that it is the Indian Govt and Indian Govt only who has to fight this menace and no other power on earth can help us. Yes, let the diplomatic channels continue with their assigned work but the brunt has to be born by the Govt. only. Instead of facing the enemy with in or outside the nation, we resort to receiving help or sympathy from outside world. No body is going to help us in this way. Why we are scared of international reaction? The Pakistan does not bother. They started Kargil. What happened to them? They started 1965 war. They sent infiltrators in Kashmir and we dragged the matter to UNO and we suffered and continue to suffer till now. Pakistan allowed China’s presence in their country as well as in PoK.
In my personal capacity what I feel is that we lack political will and national resolve. There may be some people in India or in opposition who for their vested interests may not like the action of the Govt but after all it is the duty of the Govt. to protect the integrity and sovereignty of our country.
It was reported that more than 200 terrorists are waiting across the LoC for crossing over the border. This was revealed by no less than a GOC of the16 Corps. Some of them manage to cross over and they are the people who strike in the J and K. Some Over Ground Workers have also been arrested.
We have not to make the sacrifice of our forces to maintain calm and peace in country but we have to use these forces to eliminate these perpetrators of crime. How a soldier can effectively carry his work efficiently when he has to perform under hardships with out any foolproof system. If this continues, they are sure to demoralise the forces and their valour, vigour and passion to fight the enemy is reduced. The recent statement of expressing regret by DG CRPF was highly unprofessional and unwarranted.
The government must have a clear cut policy towards Kashmir and there should be no flip-flop because it sends wrong signals. Govt. should, in no circumstance, resort to talk to separatists because they do not represent the people of Jammu and Kashmir and by talking to separatists we are giving legitimacy to them. We were castigating the previous UPA Govt. for talking to the Pakistan amidst the gun shots and sponsoring terrorism. But now we are following the same route. Why we should allow the Separatists to have dialog with Pakistan High Commission in Delhi. After all the New Delhi must understand the basis logic that what they will discuss there other than the destruction of India as it is the sole aim and agenda of Pakistan and Separatists. After all why we should we talk to separatists when we have democratically elected government in the state? The govt. has to show its determination to fight terrorism and it can not be by succumbing to the pressures f the separatists. After all these separatists are the agents of Pakistan ISI and are on their regular payroll. After all how long we will continue to loose the precious lives of our soldiers, men, material and machines.
(The writer is a Social Activist and Convenor, Democratic Pannun Kashmir.)

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