The Bold Voice of J&K

Lok Adalat decides 8 cases

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KATHUA: As per hand out issued by Chairman, District Legal Services Authority, District and Sessions Judge,Kathua, a Lok Adalat was held in the District Court complex Kathua under the chairmanship of V.C Koul, Chairman, District Legal Services Authority here at Kathua on Friday.
The Lok Adalat comprised of two Benches. Bench No. 1 was presided over by V.C Koul District and Sessions Judge, Kathua assisted by . Sonia Gupta Additional District and Sessions Judge Kathua . The Bench No. 2 comprised of . Deepak Sethi Chief Judicial Magistrate, Kathua and Renu Dogra Munsiff, Kathua.
The Bench No. 1 took Motor Accidents Claims and other cases during which six cases were decided on spot and award money to the tune of Rs. 19,95,000 was ordered to be paid to the claimants. The Bench No. 2 decided two criminals cases, ( petty and compoundable cases). A total of eight cases were disposed of by the Lok Adalat.

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