The Bold Voice of J&K

Let’s change for good

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Dear Editor,
Now it is quite clear that the dynasty rule for decades created such nepotism and mess in this nation to a level that cleaning the junk is proving very difficult for Modi and his team. We may analyse Modi’s performance with our own yard sticks in a year but we forget to realise that this nation was misgoverned for almost 60 years. The junk clearing will take years and it may definitely test the patience of common Indians who were shown green pastures my Modi. A common Indian was fed up with the rotten system and needed a dose of instant relief and Modi show cased a set of promises that mesmerised the voters as they desperately needed change. We may blame Modi for misleading Indians that they will feel the difference in months which is beyond practicality but he is a politician first and has every right to sell the promises. A common Indian was duped for decades and they should also be blamed for believing in a dynastic legacy.There is no point to blame Modi and his team for instant change as we should understand the mess is unimaginable which started from Nehru to Manmohan rule. One year is not enough at all to clear all the mess. It will take decades.We may cry foul but the reality of 60 years has a stretching effect on Indian economy and prosperity.
Rahul Gandhi can take on Modi and his governance everyday and every night but that is what he can only do as he has been a non performer and a real misfit in Indian politics. Rahul Gandhi and his family are responsible for the sinking ship and now he is showing how to fight with dangerous waves. It has been the misfortune with this nation that we have always been obsessesed with personality of leaders. Be it Nehru,Indira or economist Manmohan and in return it has been all disappointment. Instead of looking for change we as common Indians need to change attitude towards reality. We should not expect miracles in days but have to wait and watch patiently. Modi is not a magician and we should not get carried away with his personality and promises. Dont make Modi another Nehru as these strong headed leaders have always disappointed with their self style functioning. We should understand that it will take ample time to control starvation, poverty,unemployment and price hike. India is having a astonishing figure of 19 crore under fed citizens. Is Modi going to reduce this figure in days?
We as citizens can change without depending upon the Govt or political leaders. We can be honest by paying genuine taxes and asking for bills for the purchases we make. We as Indians can denote and help poverty to reduce. Step by step we can adopt the savings. We should stop wastage of food items. We can save fuel by car pooling. We can travel by local transport a day in a week. It is all the morality and nationalism that can change this nation. Only slogans and political drama is not sufficient enough for change. Modi may come and go but a common Indian will always stay and lead the change for Neo India.
Sanjay Raina

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