The Bold Voice of J&K

Ladakh accords grand reception as Dalai Lama visits after four years



Leh: As His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama arrived in Leh after a gap of four years, a grand reception was accorded to the Noble Laurate by all sections of the society on Friday at the Kushok Baluka Rinpoche Airport. The Dalai Lama was received by Eminent Rinpoches, monks and nuns from different monasteries, President Ladakh Buddhist Association, President Ladakh Gonpa Association, CEC, LAHDC Leh, MP Ladakh, Executive Councillors, CRO Tibetan Settlement Sonamling, leaders of different religious and political organisations.
The reception entourage comprised of religious and traditional format with ladies carrying colourful flowers and men incense of juniper. The entire route all the way from Leh Airport to Jivetsal Photang had thousands of devotees, students, and people from all communities lined up on both sides of the road attired in traditional dresses carrying khataks – the sacred white scarf, flowers and incense to welcome the Dalai Lama.
This is the first visit of the Dalai Lama outside Dharamsala after Covid-19 pandemic hit the world. His Holiness is scheduled to stay in Ladakh for over a month. Towards the end of his stay in Ladakh, The Dalai Lama is scheduled to give

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