Kotli Mahajan Sabha honours distinguished personalities

JAMMU: Kotli Mahajan Sabha on Sunday organized function at Kotli Bhawan, Rehari Colony, here. The programme was held in honour of those who excelled in their respective field and was presided over by Ramesh Gupta, President Central Mahajan Sabha, Jammu. Arun Khanna, Chairman Health & Sanitation Committee PHE was Guest of Honour.
The distinguished personalities Arun Khanna, Vikas Gupta (IPS) DGP, Sanjay Gupta Chairman Grameen Bank, Kanav Gupta (JKAS), Amit Gupta Additional Advocate General, Dr. Abhinav Gupta MS, DND Oncologist, Pradyot Gupta, Assistant Labour Commissioner and Satish Jandiyal were honoured for rendering their excellent services.
Prominent writer Padma Shru Dr Jitendra Udhampuri, Sahitya Academy Awardee Dr Nirmal Vinod, Dr Devinder Gupta, Dr Ashok Kumar Gupta, Dr Sushil Sharma, Chand Deepika, M.S Kamra, Narinder Gupta and Amita Mehta were among those who were honoured.
Bimal Gupta, Prem Rasotra and Sukriti Choudhary social activists and late Satish Gupta were subject of recognition in the programme and honoured.
Arun Choudhary, Arun Gupta, Rakesh Choudhary and Arun Gupta were also honoured for their admirable services to society.
Ramesh Gupta eulogized the efforts put by the Kotli Mahajan Sabha for profits of the community. Arun Khanna revealed in detail the works done by him and on this table for development of Jammu City.
Kamal Gupta, President of the Sabha, got the audience introduced to the steps taken by Kotli Mahajan Sabha and forthcoming programmes.
Arun Choudhary spoke on the challenges before the community.
Earlier, Dr R.C Gupta welcomed the distinguished audience. Rajesh Choudhary presented the vote of thanks.
The programme was compared by Buvnesh Gupta and assigned by Vinod Gupta and Rajan Gupta.