The Bold Voice of J&K

Kashmir diaspora rebuff; ‘London Kashmir million march’ Pakistan acutely embarrassed

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M. M Khajooria

Pakistan suffered a   huge embarrassment in the last UN General Assembly  where Prime Minister Nawaz Shrief miserably failed to evoke even semblance of interest  on his plea for UN intervention in  the “Kashmir dispute”.  The follow up exertions of his Security Advisor Sartaj Aziz  in the same direction met the same fate. Not to be deterred the  desperate Pakistan establishment tasked Barrister Sultan Mehmood, former “Prime Minister” of the Pak occupied Jammu and Kashmir to  launch “Kashmir Million March” on 26th October ,2014 from Trafalgar Square to British Prime Minister’s House at 10-Downing Street in London to submit a memorandum espousing the Pak stance.   Also on board was Mirpuri-origin British Parliamentarian Lord Nazir Ahmed of Rotherham.
To make this march successful, Barrister Sultan   remained  hyper active for weeks and even resorted to door to door canvassing in parts of London inhabited by Jammu  Kashmir émigrés mostly hailing from Mirpur and Poonch areas of Jammu region.  In  this connection,  he  visited the British Parliament on 24th October, 2014 and called on held  parliamentarians to seek support for  the Kashmir Million-March meant to highlight “the right of self-determination granted by the United Nations to the Kashmiri people.” ” This march ” he said “has become significant as human rights organisations, a large number of members of European and British Parliament and different other bodies have announced to support the marchers”.”The Kashmir March he boasted “was going to make history in the world”.
Yes, Barrister Sultan Mehmood and Lord Nazir Ahmeds’ ‘Million March’ did make history as  barely a few hundred protesters gathered to wave placards and flags. An element of comedy was introduced into the drama  when “LAVANGAY KASHMIR”. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. stepped on to the makeshift stage to address the gathering who   responded by booing and throwing empty plastic bottles at him. He was not allowed to speak..”This march was to be about Kashmir and for the welfare of Kashmiris. Bilawal has no business being here,” said a group of angry protesters.
Back home in Srinagar Ali Shah Geelani welcomed the Million March calling  it “an appropriate step at appropriate time”  Congratulating the organisers of the ‘March’, he said  “The  ‘march’ can prove to be an important step for our freedom struggle”. Important step indeed. Wake up Shah Geelani, the world has moved on. The Million March so dear to your heart has tellingly exposed to the world at large  the pitiable support for Pakistan amongst the Jammu and Kashmir diaspora. Pakistan also suffered the ignominy of its domestic political dirty linen being washed in the streets of London. The political fractures in Pakistan’s polity and the brittle relations between the PPP, former cricketer Imran Khan’s Tehreek-e-Insaaf, and the Muttahida Qaumi Movement on the “MASLA-I KASHMIR” were on  a grand display. Overwhelming majority of  British citizens of Jammu and Kashmir origin stayed away from the doomed ‘Million Kashmir March’.
The Jammu Kashmir National Independence Alliance (JKNIA) — an UK based alliance of ‘Kashmiri nationalist parties’, staged parallel demonstration/token hunger strikes outside the Indian  and Pakistan High Commissions  in London  with the message of “give peace a chance”. They also submitted memorandums addressed to PMs of India and Pakistan to both High Commissions, “JKNIA’s counter-demonstration outshines Pakistan-backed ‘Million March’ in London” headlined Economic Times(29th October, 2014). JKNIA is an umbrella alliance of Kashmiri political parties and civil society organisations based in UK which  support  the   non-violent “people resistance movement in J and K” which  campaigned for “the right of self-determination,  reunification and establishment of ‘an independent state of Jammu and Kashmir'”. The group had opposed the so-called ‘Million March’ led by Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry with backing from Pakistani political parties .
According to Dr Shabir Choudhry, spokesperson for the Kashmir National Party, director of the Institute of Kashmir Affairs and a member of JKNIA  the organisers of the Million March spent huge amounts of money to entice people to participate. “I had a phone call from an old friend in Halifax (west Yorkshire, England) who said that after the Friday prayer it was announced that free coaches and free food will be provided for volunteers who attend the march,” he told  Economic Times from  London .And significantly  added, “It is an attempt to divert attention from the problems of people living on the Pakistani side, and give it a religious touch, which will further divide the people of Jammu and Kashmir on religious and ethnic lines,” . He dismissed the ‘Million March’ as being against the interest of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
I have had the opportunity to interact with some of the leaders of the Alliance. They were fighting against Pakistan occupation, denial of political rights and atrocities committed by Pak ISI and local administration controlled and directed by officers deputed from Pakistan. Many of them  suffered incarceration and torture compelling them to flee their place of birth and take shelter in UK, USA and European countries.  Like us on this side of the LoC, they believed in secularism, democracy and respect for human right and vehemently rejected the idea of accession with Pakistan-a theocratic state. Despite  differences on  the issue of accession, there  was enough scope and indeed need for joint action in the areas of agreement particularly on the issues   of demographic aggression and persisting horrible atrocities on the people of Gilgit Baltistan since its occupation by Pakistan.
What next on   Pak  rulers  agenda on “the core issue of Kashmir'”after   the  ‘London  Million Kashmir march’ proved an unmitigated disaster was the million dollar question?

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