The Bold Voice of J&K

JKSSB neglecting Kathua District

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Dear Editor,
It pains to write here that on the one hand JKSSB is getting Wah, Wah for its promptness in declaring all the pending selection lists of Kashmir Division and on the other JKSSB is playing havoc with the career and emotions of the unemployed educated youth of Kathua District who have, since long, appeared for their interview for the district as well as State cadre posts of Accounts Assistants and for the post of teachers advertised in the year 2011 and 2012. It is pertinent to mention here that the selection list, particularly for the State cadre Accounts Assistants, who were interviewed by the J and K Service Selection Board simultaneously, both for State as well as district cadre, in the months of March and May 2011 under item No. 707 of SSB advertised wide No. 07 dated 12th November 2011, is awaited till date. There is no knowledge about the fate of the selection list for the posts of district cadre Accounts Assistants of Kathua District which was released and published in the leading newspapers on 7th October 2011. The selection lists of State cadre Accounts Assistants is still awaited eagerly by the unemployed youth of the State. Similarly the release of the selection list for the posts of teacher district cadre Kathua, who were interviewed by JKSSB in April 2014 vide JKSSB Adv. No. 03 of 28th December 2012 item code No. 354 is also eagerly awaited. An RTI under rules 2012 i.e SRO 279 was moved before the Public Information Officer JKSSB on 4th April 2015 with an Indian Postal Order for Rs. 10.00, as desired by the Public Information Officer JKSSB vide letter No. SSB/Adm/ RTI-330/2015/653 of 26th March 2015, but no information regarding the matter has been received till now.
The fate of the selected district cadre Accounts Assistants from Kathua and that of those whose selection lists have not been released till date is still hanging in the pan because no headway has been made in the direction of their appointment/training programme till this time. It is worth mentioning here that many of the candidates who have been waiting for their results and appointments are at the brink of becoming over age in the days to come. The candidates are moving from pillar to post in order to get some clue as to what is there which is restricting the SSB to make the select list public. The J and K SSB should understand the agony of the unemployed youth of district Kathua and should come to their rescue either by making the pending selection lists public and implementing the already declared lists earlier or by issuing a white paper in this regard as soon as possible lest the dejected youth resort to unwanted steps in acute despair. Moreover the vigilant agencies and philanthropist organisations are requested to take cognisance of this grievous matter and coerce the SSB to expedite the process of compilation of the selection lists and manage to remove any hindrance coming in the way because every coming day is aggravating the emotions and sentiments of the dejected youth.
Shiv Kumar Padha

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