The Bold Voice of J&K

J and K politics in the year ending 2014

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Isher Singh Jasrotia

This is in reference ot Articles dated 23 November 2014 (State Times) wherein it is mentioned about the Assembly Election of J and K Assembly is going to be held in Nov-Dec 2014 as also mentioned  that the Lok Sabha elections 2014, was held in April 2014, considered to be  a crucial period in the Indian politics but the present Assembly election seems to be more interesting, crucial and equally important aslso.
In the Lok Sabha Election 2014, the candidates to whichever parties they were affiliated, put allegations against each other, as also against the opposite party. They did not bother about their party, rather went to the extent of seeking votes in their favour, aim only being “the lust for power”.
It has become common practice of the candidates propagating false promises on the basis of their party manifesto – decrease in prices, improvement in the health sector, education system, upgradation of road and communication, employment opportunities and likewise inumberable necessities of the public in general, but in actual practice it does not happen. The reason being that no party comes out in absolute majority and it becomes hinderance to form the government.
It is admitted fact and as has been observed in every election, whether in Parliament election or the State Assembly election, the false promises made with the public are forgotten after the elections are over. This process has been going on since the independence when parliamentary form of government was framed and it will certainly continue. It is pertinent to mention that until and unless some stringent laws are formulated in the Parliament to change the existing system of election, this process will continue.
Recently the statement given by Peerzada Mansoor  who is stated to have in the last Assembly Election secured 13853/49495 (27 per cent) votes that there can not be Hindu Chief Minister in the J and K State, is very unfortunate and has sought critisim from many quarters. The statement is realy very shocking as it hurt the sentiments of Jammuits, since such statement may have serious repurcussion on the context that the India is having democratic system wherein there is no discrimination among the various religions. The allegation is on the party PDP since the candidate is from PDP Party.
Similarly as per latest information received, now the NC, PDP as also the Congress, on the agenda of Article 370, are taking on BJP as to why it is not speaking on it, whereas the same was put in its manifesto before the General Election. How interesting it is when it is coming in the news that both the PDP and NC, are firm on their contention that there cannot be abrogation of  Article 370 since it is concerned with the welfare and benefits of the people of J and K State. Congress Party on the other hand is also putting question to the BJP on the contention that ” it is only political cheating on the issue of Article 370″. It has also put the allegation that BJP is even ready to join hands with separatists. This has reference to a BJP candidate who has stated that she will be the first to take up the gun if any attempt is made to abrogate the Article.
The practice of rebellion and defection has become common amongst the candidates. Is it not mockery of Indian Politic? Ghulam Nabi Azad, earlier Chief Minister of the State during 2006-08, has asserted that his government has successfully meted out the aspirations of the people because the development was percolated to all the regions during the period of coalition government. He has further stated that the allegations against the Congress Party are baseless and refutable since during the reign of Coalition Government i.e Congress led coalition period, his government has given a sense of belongingness and identity to the backward and neglected region of the State and there was sustainable development in every sector especially in the education and health sector by establishment of educational institution and medical colleges.
They dam care for the promises made during the campaign rather they are worried for their kith and kin, relatives and associates who could be adjusted both financially and politically in any manner they like, need to be given deep thought.  They have even forgotten the oath taken during oath ceremony in the Parliament and Assembly of their states, setting aside the philosophy of our Constitution; hence it is only mockery of the democracy in prevailing circumstance.
The question also arises who will frame the new laws for making amendments in the election system in the Indian politics as the laws are formulated by the leaders who have no principles of democratic norms.
It is pertinent to mention that the basic principles of the democracy are not followed in Indian politics. The principle – Government of the people, by the people, for the people has just remained a slogan. The voters who have the power to change the government, are also not aware of the value of their votes. Some of the voters are not able or otherwise un-aware of the democratic system, who abstain from taking part in the election and do not make use of their right of franchise. The fact is that either they are confused as to in whose favour to give vote or they are not aware that even a single vote  can decide the fate of  a particular candidate. They are convinced  and compelled to take note of their power of vote and it is just sword hanging on their head when they are unable to decide and make the assessment and judgment of the candidate who can be better choice, keeping in view of his/her, credibility/ personality/ popularity in the public.
The fact also remains that the voters are confused at the time of polling to cast vote, if the voter is in favour of previous candidate, the (particular candidate) as above stated, who has changed his party affiliation, just before the election, then to vote in whose favour?
There is dire need to change the mindset of the people, not to fall prey of the false propagandas of those leaders especially those who beg votes in the name of religion, community and vise versa. Let us hope and pledge and advise those leaders who have in their mindset the manifesto for the welfare for the public and also to the voters to be prudent and wise enough to choose the candidate having better caliber and potential who could prove better in the eye of public.

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