The Bold Voice of J&K

India on path of becoming Centre for Global-wellness

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E Rajesh Pathak

That, after the ‘Pharmacy of world’, India could also get to be recognised as the centre for ‘Global -wellness’ is no longer something to be in the realm of imagination, but a declared truth. And this declaration of India being chosen as the global -centre for traditional medicines came from none other than Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO’s Director General, when he sent his message on the occasion of 5th Ayurveda Day, wherein Narendra Modi inaugurated through video- conferencing the two future Ayurveda institutions to come up in Jaipur and Jamnagar. In comparison to the last year, this year in September the export of Ayurveda products worldwide increased to 45 per cent, which is enough to understand that to which extent world showed its trust on Ayurveda. And this only is the reason that WHO’s response came into such form.
India accounts for more than half of the herbs produced in the world over. But attention in real sense toward this was paid for the first time only when in 2000 a separate national policy was drafted Atal Bihari Vajpayee led NDA govt for the Indian medical therapies, under which unprecedented work of bringing Ayurveda and Unanitherpy under the category of Harituddhog [Green organic-industry] was done. And then only National Medicinal Plant Board grew conscious about the chalking-out specific policy for the conservation and breeding of aanwla, chandan[sandalwood], ashwagandha and such others herbs and plants to be used in Ayurveda. During Atal’s govt the First ‘Global Ayurveda and Herbal Mela’ was organised, which made the World medical fraternity know what an unique asset of its own India has to offer them. In the event 2500 representatives of 50 countries including USA, Switzerland, South Africa, Denmark, Canada took the participation.
And in this time of Corona, Ayurveda brought a new hope for human beings facing extreme distress. ‘Corona virus spreads fast from the tonsils to the lungs. Turmeric and lime when mixed gets to be anti-poisonous. And when the mixture is used free radicals and uric acid could not form in the body, owing to which lungs and other organs don’t get swelling. Both the drugs [turmeric and lime] increases immunity, which has even been proved by giving it to the Corona patients. A research-work on it was published in the Medical journal of America. It is the treatment for diabetes, and including many other ailments.’-says Dr Devdutt Bhadlikar, Ayurveda professor, and specialist in the method of treating the ailments with turmeric and lime. In Ayurveda balanced consideration for both physical and spiritual aspect of human life is made. With the healthy body, the control over the mind and spiritual consciousness is, therefore, taken care of in that. And that’s why Yogasanas are seen to be ingrained with Ayurveda. This only is the integrated approach to the wellness that Ayurveda is known for. Vegetarianism has great role to play in gaining immunity, which Ayurveda integrated in its way of treatment prominently. On the other hand, the world is no longer unaware of the property of enhancing immunity consists in Giloy, Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Tulsi, Kali Mirch such other herbs to be used in Ayurveda. Hence such a boost in the export of Ayurveda medicines is there to see. The market of Chayavanprash, for instance, registered 700 per cent increase during the period of April to June. Today in around 90 countries there are considerable numbers of people preferring Ayurveda medicines for health-care.
Behind making of Ayurveda globally popular, the role of NDA government will always be appreciated. When Narendra Modi got to hold the post of PM, Ayurveda got the separate Ayush ministry. Where, ever Modi went in the world, he struck deal for the promotion of Indian traditional medicines. Besides he initiated Ayush call centres in Indian embassies.

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