The Bold Voice of J&K

India-Israel ties out of the closet, thankfully

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Dear Editor,
The growing partnership between India and Israel is mutually beneficial. Israel is presently helping India in irrigation, agriculture and the acquisition of anti-tank guided missiles and other defence needs.
Israel guided India in the desert war against Pakistan in Rajasthan in 1965 and also during the 1971 war. It came to our rescue by supplying short arms and ammunition during the Kargil War. India has also supported Israel during the latter’s isolation by Islamic countries in general. Unfortunately, the Congress concealed the fact of Israel’s support to please its vote-bank.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s policy does not believe in hypocrisy. It has openly acknowledged Israel as a friend in need. Former Israeli President Shimon Peres met the Indian Prime Minister in New Delhi and called him a harbinger of the ‘third revolution’ in India. Although Israel came to existence in 1948, New Delhi established diplomatic relations formally only in 1992.
PN Saxena
New Delhi

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