The Bold Voice of J&K

Importance of everyindividual in nation building

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Shyam Sudan

We are living in that landscape of blue planet which is second most populous habitat for super creation of God i.e humans. No doubt after China we are the only nation of the world which is most densely populated. Undoubtedly we are very fortunate that God has selected this holy land for our birth. Because this is the land of great sufis, saints, sages, philosophers and great visionary personalities. We are living in incredible India which was on the seat of world leader (Vishav Guru) in its past time zone. This is the land of Swami Vivekananda, a great philosopher of his era who awaken the world by his guidance and knowledge. Guru Nanak Dev Ji who brought enlightenment to entire mankind belongs to this great nation. Also the half naked Faqir, Mahatma Gandhi walked on this holy land barefooted to spread the message of truth and non violence.
But ironically, reality is that now we are gradually losing our old age prestige and incredible glory of our nation. Now, we believe in the concept of secessionist framework of our society.
Once, there was a time ,as mentioned in our Vedic texts that there were generally four sections of our society i.e Brahmins, Khashtriya, Vaishyas and Shudras .
The duty and work of each section of that society was different. But everyone was feeling contented and devoted towards his duty. We can say that dignity of labour was the paramount virtue of that time.
But, in today’s changing era, due to advancement in technology and modernization we are facing the problem of dignity of labour.
Now, in our country we are facing the problem of dignity of labour. Only those jobs and people are considered superior who are on higher hierarchical level. Only their viewpoint and visionary design have weightage in our society. Those who belongs to lower hierarchical level ,generally ignored and asked to keep quite. It is a bitter reality of our country that we give weightage to those who are on high posts and ignore other lower human resource. However, there is no doubt that we have selected the only superior and refined human resources for our higher level but it doesn’t mean that others subordinates and lower level workers have no knowledge and vision. We generally ignore the visionary points of our lower level professional. This, ignoring culture of our society generally does harm to our society. This Babu culture is gradually creating gap between our professional. For the development of a nation there is a need of contribution of all its habitants.
In a beehive there is contribution of all to manufacture honey and save it. Only queen and drone cannot bring the desirable result. Similarly, for the development of a nation there is need of contribution of all with dignity. And ,it is required that the dignity of every profession must be given due weightage and recognition.
We are blindly following the culture of west. But the bitter reality is that they are giving proper and due recognition to dignity of labour to all profession. There is no egoistic behavior in their life style. Every professional perform his duty with sincerity and professional dignity. But in our nation, we generally ignore the sacrifices and professional devotion of our subordinates. We believe in the concept that only boss is right. We can’t give weightage and importance to the subordinate worker of our society. We generally give respect and honour to those professional who are on higher post and level. But the reality is that the contributions of our subordinates is equally important for the success of any program and project. However in recent government, even the prime minister of our nation personally took several initiatives of praiseworthy nature. He coined the status of Safiawala from Kudewala, from Apahij to Divayangs etc. No doubt these small but of utmost nature of revolution can change the lifestyle of millions of aggrieved people. Now we feel that brooming is also a work of dignity. Even the bureaucrats are enjoying in this event. Such things are very mandatory for our society to change the perspective of our orthodox professional. Dignity of labour is needed at every platform and in every profession to give honour and respect to every worker. When we give honour and respect to every profession the problem of class, caste and section automatically get vanished from our society. We can’t segregate the caliber and potential of human based on their profession and position. Each and every individual has its role and contribution in the development of this Nation.

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