The Bold Voice of J&K

Impediments in the way of quality education in schools

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Shiv Kumar Padha

There is great load of paper work in our schools, even the services of two teachers of the school fall short, which affects the school
Functioning both scholastically and non scholastically. The department considers only those schools at number one which keep a hot line between the school and the head office and responds the correspondence at the cost of class room work.
The annual or quarterly academic inspection of the schools has become a thing of the remote past, because the education department is headed by the bureaucrats and not by the academicians or literary persons. The former has his relations in the galaxy of bureaucrats or in the departments where he has already worked and do not know the problems of the education department. They only know how to save their skin and pile up the problems for their successors. Whereas the later have interest in academic aspect of the schools. Whether they are CEOs or provincial heads, they are interested in making adjustments transfers sanctioning of grants and other funds instead of indulging themselves in academic side. This is the reason why do the schools become the rudderless vessels which often drift away from their course. Before appointing education officers it should be made compulsory that a person for the post of Director school education should have written at least five books on educational problems, methodology or philosophy. CEOs at least three and the ZEOs one book.
Road connectivity has brought about revolution in the working of many offices as the employees can commute daily for hundreds of kilometers a day. It is possible in big cities or towns where the roads are in good condition and have good frequency of vehicles .But it is impossible in remote towns and villages where the roads are rough and the numbered vehicles ply on the roads. The teachers who commute daily on such routs never reach schools in time. . The arrival of the teachers in the school after the students and leaving before schedule time affects the regularity ,punctuality and the study of the subject which the teacher teaches ,as the tired man can not do justice with the students and himself simultaneously consequently the students remain at sea in the subject taught by that teacher. This practice is seen in the government schools in the remote towns and the villages in general.
It is a universal truth that for gaining knowledge one needs concentration and seriousness at his part .But majority of students in the rural areas have been swayed away by the new arrivals of information technology e.g. .mobile telephones and dishe tvs. Nothing in the world is good or bad, only its use makes it so because excess of every thing is bad. It is common scene in small towns and villages where one can see the school going children holding costly mobile and listening the music of their choice. Great rush of teenagers can be seen on the mobile shops for the recharge coupons or getting the songs recorded in their mobile to listen at leisure time. The students leave no film, serial,chiterhaar or match unwatched and remain glued to the television screens hours together .Under such degree of madness for these gadgets, what fraction of time do they devote for their studies? The biggest impediment in the way of quality education is the tuition work which is spreading like epidemic and has taken in its ambit the innocent students who have totally become slaves to it. They confine the tution notes to the racks and avoid studies at home as a result they remain blank throughout the year.
.Though the facts and the causes responsible for the poor quality of education in our schools look trivial at the first instance but these are eating into the vitals of the academic life of our children and one day we will have to pay a heavy price for that, because a small hole if not plugged in time can sink the whole boat. The parents as well as the teachers are requested to identify their role and play it honestly, other wise it will be vary late to mend as ‘time and tide wait for none.’

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