The Bold Voice of J&K

Ideological pollution has grown in Kashmir Valley even after March 2015

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 By Daya Sagar
The day PDP and BJP came together questions were raised on their agenda for alliance more from those who voted for BJP in the 2014 elections to Legislative Assembly. Kashmir Valley electorate too questioned PDP but BJP was accused more for having compromised for the sake of grabbing power the policies the party had been pursuing for more than last six decades.
PDP found some way out in pleading that coalition would work towards creating an environment for an all-round economic development of the State thereby opening channels for the prosperity of the people. Very soon the Kashmir valley voter too started complaining that PDP had promised that Government will review the security situation of the State including the need for revocation of Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) but nothing substantial had been initiated /delivered. But as per some observers the promises of good governance were overshadowed by political errors and ideological controversies exhibited by the two ‘allies’.
People in Kashmir Valley had been and are still complaining that the coalition government was expected to rehabilitate the ‘2014 Kashmir Valley Flood Victims’ but the PDP-led government has failed to rehabilitate the flood victims. No doubt the government has done its best for compensatory rehabilitation of flood victims but the way the controversies over ‘Kashmir’ issues and related questions have been handled by the political limbs of the alliance partners the anti elements have got enough opportunities to exploit the common sentiments.
The youth of the Valley had been living in an environment where after 1990 controversies even over nationalities had been erupted to the extent that the ‘separatist’ ideologues did find some attention. PDP-BJP Government had sent indicators that for bringing stability and peace it would initiate dialogue process with all internal stakeholders of the State including Hurriyat Conference. Of course, the reference to stakeholders as had been made was not pertaining to local developmental issues. More so, some people are opining that even after nearly 21 months the alliance with BJP has a negative impact on PDP vote bank since the people in Kashmir who owned PDP ideology still have otherwise apprehensions about the BJP’s policies.
The compromises on ideological differences that PDP was slated to have done with BJP in March 2015 have not delivered its worth towards the path of development for what stability & peace are the requirements. Instead the way the ‘separatist’ sponsored protests took the leads after 8th July and the way even the National Conference supremo had publically called ‘in last November for support to Hurriyat leadership (provided it takes to legitimate path) for achieving the goal towards ‘rights of Kashmiries’ instead reflects the ideological political compulsions that have developed on ground in the Valley.
Not only what the separatists had been working for in Kashmir Valley, even it was said in Rajya Sabha by a very senior MP on 10th of August that Maharaja Hari Singh had signed instrument of accession on 27th October 1947 (whereas, as per Government of India it was signed on 26th October 1947) adding further that the Princely State of J&K has not yet merged with India (the way other states had merged ) after signing the Accession. Kashmir valley was already infected with separatists ideologies and questions on nationality as cultivated by separatists but what was said by a senior MP in Rajya Sabha has not been till date neither refuted by GOI nor by the national leadership, rather it has been taken very casually. Such like approach that leaves so serious issues uncontested / unclarified instead nullifies any remedial measures, if at all, taken by nationalist elements to correct ideological pollution.
What Dr. Farooq Abdullah has said was surely to erode his image outside Kashmir Valley but he had gone for such like political sermon to his party cadres should be enough of an indicator for the growing levels of ideological pollution (even after March 2015) in Kashmir valley from Indian point of view.
*( Daya Sagar is a Sr Journalist and a social activist, can be reached at [email protected] )

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