The Bold Voice of J&K


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Again, we may sometimes feel that our whole lives are unsatisfactory, we feel on the point of being overwhelmed by the difficulties that confront us. This happens to us all in varying degrees from time to time. When this occurs, it is vital that we make every effort to find a way to be positive in lifting our spirits. We can do this by recollecting our good fortune. We may, for example, be loved by someone; we may have certain talents; we may have received a good education, we may have our basic needs provided for- food to eat, clothes to wear, somewhere to live- we may have performed certain altruistic eeds in the past. We must take into consideration even the slightest positive aspect of our lives.
What principally upsets our inner peace is what we call disturbing emotions. All those thoughts, emotions, and mental events which reflect a negative or uncompassionate state of mind inevitably undermine our experience of inner peace. All our negative thoughts and emotions-such as hatred, anger, pride, lust, greed, envy, and so on- are considered to be sources of difficulty, to be disturbing. When we act under their influence, we become oblivious to the compact our actions have on others: they are thus the cause of our destructive behaviour, both, towards others and to ourselves. Murder, scandal, and deceit all have their origin in disturbing emotions.
This inevitably given rise to the question- Can we train the mind? There are many methods by which to do this. Among these, in the Buddhist tradition, is a special instruction called mind training, which focuses on cultivating concern for others and training adversity to advantage. It is this pattern of thought, transforming problems into happiness that enable us to maintain our dignity and spirit in the face of great difficulties. The mind’s most marvellous quality is that it can be transformed. I hope no doubt that those who attempt to transform their minds, overcome their disturbing emotions and achieve a sense of inner peace, will, over a period of time, notice a change in their mental attitudes and responses to people and events. Their minds will become more disciplined and positive. If we do so, I am sure we will find our own sense of happiness grow as and when we contribute to the greater happiness of others. Let everyone of us offer our prayers that everyone who makes this his goal is blesses with success.
(c) Mind Conditioning:
Being discerning, we deserve to know that the powers of the mind may be positively turned in the opposite direction to the constructive purpose of building a better life. As one interested in same living, the merits of right thinking is well-grounded in; “God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
As surely as air-conditioning has brought comfortable temperatures into stores, offices and homes, the technique of “mind-conditioning” will condition our conscious thinking into a receptive state or climate. It may be used positively or negatively; for good or for ill. Mind-conditioning is fundamental in action. Medicine is a monopoly of the few, but mind-conditioning is for all. Why should we have aches and pains “dressed up” with latin names we do not understand? Even the simple, natural process of cell-division is called karijokinnesis. Can we picture the effect on many gullible people should they be given this perfectly truthful descriptive diagnosis in a solemnly threatening tone of voice? If we were told that it was actively working throughout our bodies, many of us would report strange symptoms and sheepishly dose ourselves with whatever was recommended.
Right thinking or thought control, in the ultimate, is the only solution for our human problems. We have learn to use “selective tuning” for our radio and tv programmes, and the same selective attitude can be adopted to our personal consciousness. This conditioning is no different then that used by salesman by their efforts to convince of our need of their products accept the “fear formula” is omitted.
The mind is like a megatnate, drawing to itself according to our dominant attitude, when focused on the negative or bad side, all that comes will be troublesome. When on the positive or good side all that comes will bless, prosper and heal.
As energy followed thought, turn the arrow of our attention to the things we most desire, just as we would set our thermostate for a certain temperature. It is a simple as that in giving the direction, but in their accomplishment to may experience certain difficulties for after so many years of vacillating our the fears and phobias fostred by the “fear salesman, it takes time for us to keep equilibrium, long enough to commence to draw in our desires for good. We still have the effects of former states of wobbling in decision for reckon with.
The wise solo man tells us in his proverbs that, “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” No one subject is of so much importance as that if our thought and of we, a thinker of a thought, nothing is more for reaching in his tendencies, nothing is more important to us than its results. Mental energy is a force as real as gravity it can build us a, or drag sundown with the belief of evil until our life is made minerable.
This subject of right thinking or mind-conditioning has been but little regarded. There are but few who understand, that the thought of a thing. Is what the prophesy of its fulfilment he who lets his thoughts dewel upon disaster in prophesying evil, upon himself those who in variably talk of sickness or trouble in all of the various forms, can we hear it everyday or prophesying for them selven the very evil of which the complain. Those things which are prophesying in variably come true either in actual fact and appearance or their essence is manifested in some form.
Thought is the universal language to which all things respond. It is through the realm of thought that we commune with God. He hears and answers our request and the answer is always in accord with the trend or “tone” of our thought. We receive auoring as we merit. This being true, it becomes of the first importance that our thoughts should be so directed that health and harmony will result.
The way we feel can surely be ‘conditioned,’ just the same as we set the thermostat on our furnace stoker. The way we act is first a thought in our mind. Then we feel like that thought. This glimpse of a great truth is to give us a basis on which we can turn from our weak, negative fears to positive thinking which brings strength and joy. If we want health and harmony, allow our mind to dwell along these lines, picturing comfort and peace when an evil thought-a black thought pops in-banish it!
Mind- Conditioning has an intensely practical use. It is for us to control the “set” of our thoughts and thereby control our bodies and affairs. We hold the key in the use we make of our own faculties.
(d) How to Have Peace of Mind:
Peace will not come to us by running after the things which the Earth gives and the Earth takes away. Peace will not come to us by fighting circumstances and struggling against so-called difficulties and misfortunes. Peace will come to us when we ourselves enter into the Great Peace of God. To enter into the Peace of God is to relax and stand still,- to stand where we are.
Our age is an age of activity, we are busy-and often, I am afraid, fussy. We like to be up and doing: but our doing is distraction. So we are not at peace with our neighbours-nor with ourselves. We need to stand still! In the ocean of life, we struggle all the time. We battle against circumstances: we strive against misfortunes. Alas! We don’t give ourselves upto the waters. We do not accept the will of God.
It is not as easy as it may appear to be still in God. But it will come to us as we grow into the realisation that we are not doing anything at all, that we can do nothing on our own, that not even a leaf stirs except if it be His Will.
1) In the beginning, as we wake up, let us think of some small text (sutra) from some “Sacred Book” and repeat it to ourselves, again and again. As the day advances, let us, from time to time, detach ourselves from our work for a brief minute or two and repeat the sutra. As we do so, let us imagine that the sutra permeates our entire being and renews us physically, mentally and spiritually. Any sutra will do. I have found the following very helpful. “Thy will be done, O Lord!” “Thou knowest beat what is good each one of us!” Thy works are the works of mercy!” “The lord is my strength, my support and stay!” “Is Thy will is the peace I seck!”
2) In the face of difficulty and disaster, do not feel confused. But try to lift up our heart to Him and think of Him as a Loving Mother and of ourself as a little child sitting Her Lap.
3) Steer ourselves clear of all thoughts of lust, hatred and greed. They stimulate the lower self and lead to excitement which will let us be still in God.
Gradually, this stillness will deepen, though the very first experience of it gives such immense joy that it cannot be expressed n words. The stillness will grow more and more intense until, one blessed day. We shall be completely absorbed in God and entirely at one with His Divine will which is perfect-not only for us but for all men and birds and beasts, for all creation.
This is the goal of our life’s journey. It may not be reached in a single leap. There are stages on the way. Every stage has its lesson to teach. As we learn the lesson of one stage, we are being prepared for the next. From stage to stage we move on, knowing that where we are, is, at the moment, just the right place for us.
Each one of us is infinitely dear to the Heart of God. He is leading us along the way which is best for us. He sees what we cannot see and knows what we cannot know. Every experience He sends us-be it pleasant or painful- is meant to enrich our inner life. We must not shun it: we must not avoid it. We must accept it as a gift from Him is Whom the peace of mind we seek, the peace that passeth, surpasseth understanding.
Two friends met one day and one of them said to the other: “I feel so happy to tell you that I have made peace with God at last.”
“I am happy to hear that,” said the other. “But may I tell you that I have something better than that?”
“Better than peace with God?”
“Yes, I have not only peace with God but I have the peace of God. And I have something still better.”
“What do you mean?”
“Why I have the God of peace!”
When we have such men and women in different parts of the world- men and women who carry the god of peace in their hearts-then, indeed, will be born a new era of peace for which the tortured soul of humanity has priteously cried, age after age.

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