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How to grow cover crops to enhance food production

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Prof. (Dr.) R.D Gupta
Cover crops apart from protecting the soil from erosion and mitigating the run of losses also protect newly constructed terraces and other mechanical erosion control devices.(IX) They supply protein rich fodder for animals.(X) In many cases cover crops provide human food i.e. Various Edible Beans, Peas and pods. (XI)Besides preventing water erosion, the cover crops also control wind erosion. (XII)The farmers can earn cash by selling seeds and other products like fire wood. (XIII)They increase the yield of maize, cotton and other regular farm crops. (XIV)When intercropped with basic food grain crops can help in checking the weeds, thereby eliminating costly wedging operations. The advantage or benefits of cover crops are more valuable than any reasonable objections raised to them. In spite of the fact, for practical information, the principal features which, gnr oe disadvantages using cover crops, are as follows :o1) The cost of seed. (2) Cost of labour in preparation of seedbed and seeding. (3) Uncertainty of getting a crop stand. (4) A possible refuges for insect pests, such as cutworms that later attack corn or other crop:
Importance of Legumes in Cover Crops.
Most of the legumes like Black gram, Green gram, Soybean, French bean, Berseem act as cover crops. It is because they cover and protect the soil, and add nitrogen for improving its fertility. In fact, the Rhizobia, which are generally referred to as the root nodule bacteria, live in the nodules of these legumes and fix atmospheric nitrogen in them. This nitrogen eventually enters into the soil either through exosmosis or after death and decay of the nodules and or/ RHIZOBIA. In this way the soil becomes rich in nitrogen. Thus many farmers have found cover crops as ideal solution for the infertile soil. Some of the farmers, however, have a prejudice that they will not be able to spend little amount required to grow the cover crops and/ or cannot spare the labour meant for this purpose. Mixtures of legumes and grasses are for erosion control and soil improvement. When used for checking soil erosion and improving soil filth, these crops should be seeded and cultivated in a manner recommended locally, when they are grown as forage. Red clover and other legumes, and grass seeded in small grain food production prevent erosion.
Characteristics of Cover Crops.
What characteristics should be looked for in a cover crop to produce fertilizer and forage, with no cash costs and a minimum of labour? (i)It should produce large amount of green matter (about25Tonnes per hectare) (ii) It should grow vigorously in poor soil without any assistance of fertilizers.(iii) It should be planted with the minimum of soil preparation and either with a dibble stick or broadcasting the seed. (iv) the plant should have minimum of natural enemies i. e, It should grow without using any pesticide. There should not involve any labour requirement. (v) The legume should be shade resistant (for intercropping or drought under trees) or drought resistant (for growing into and through the dry season) or both.(vi) It should have the capacity to fix large amount of atmospheric nitrogen.
Suggestion and Improvement for the Future.
(i) Soil depleting crops like maize, Potato, Cotton are highly conducive to soil loss. All of these crops, therefore, should be grown in systematic rotations, and the rotation supplemented with cover crop it soil loss has to be reduced a minimum and crop yields has to be maintained or sustained.(iil Wheatand other small grain crops, when cultivated on steep slopes, require to be given special consideration if excessive reduced yields are to be avoided. (iii) Mixture of legumes and grasses are particularly desirable for erosion control and soil improvement.(iv) wherever it is possible, legumes such as sweet clover, alfalfa, red clover, field peas be grown to increase the soil fertility vis-a-vis to check soil erosion and runoff losses.
(Ex Associate Dean Cum Chief Scientist KVK, SKUAST)

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