The Bold Voice of J&K

High rates at private parking spaces

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Dear Editor,
The high parking charges at the private spaces in the city are adding woes to the common masses, as they shell out heavy charges at malls and restaurants and still do not claim the responsibility.
The tickets that are being provided to the vehicle holders have many miscellaneous conditions and make mockery of the common man.
Moreover, they do not give any assurance for the security of the parked vehicles. They clearly mention the term that any loss to the vehicle will not be liable to the guards.
It’s worth mentioning here that in such a situation, there is no difference between parking the vehicle on the road side and in a private parking place.
I went to Bahu Plaza for some work and the parking boys issued a ticket and charged Rs. 30 to park my vehicle for only two minutes and when I asked about this they used harsh words and said that this is mandatory. I believe that all this is because there is no one to keep a check and address the problems being faced by such commuters.
Samar Sharma,

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