The Bold Voice of J&K

Harsh lambasts DyCM for imbecility, lack of spine

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Harsh_Dev_Singh_190 ffffJAMMU: Urging upon the people of Jammu region to shun their narrow parochial differences, Harsh Dev Singh JKNPP Chairman and former Minister has appealed all the social, political, intellectual and others organisations of Jammu to come on a common platform to fulfill our bounden duty to fight for the self respect, pride and glory of our motherland.

He said Jammu’s deprivation and neglect is a common cause and all pro-Jammu forces must join hands irrespective of their caste, creed, religion and political affiliations to ensure justice with all the legitimate rights to the people of this region more especially in the current scenario when the BJP, throwing all its pledges to the winds, has surrendered on all issues before its coalition partner for the lust of power.

Strongly admonishing the BJP leaders for their criminal acquiescence and meek submission in the press conference held on Friday in which the Chief Minister gave clear indications of shifting AIIMS to Kashmir and shelving of artificial lake project, Singh said that the Saffron party was giving one shocker after another to the people of Jammu region. He said it was highly intriguing to note that Dy Chief Minister Dr. Nirmal Singh who was sitting adjacent to the Chief Minister could not counter or react on the said issues which have an emotional value for the people of Jammu region. He regretted that rather than taking a stand in the press conference that 85% of the work on artificial lake project is completed and that it would provide tourist destination for millions of pilgrims and tourists visiting Jammu, Nirmal Singh chose to rush to Delhi to reportedly meet Uma Bharti.

Lampooning the BJP Ministers for jettisoning the cause of Jammu for crumbs of power, Singh said that the people of Jammu region had recognised the real face of BJP with the latter having utterly failed to provide even a fig leaf to cover the obscene nudity of its cowardly acts. He said that the nauseating vague statements made by Deputy Chief Minister on AIIMS, his photo sessions with national leaders and his reported meeting with Uma Bharti after the yesterday’s press conference were merely an eye wash and window dressing for the gullible. The fact remained that the Deputy Chief Minister’s role in the press conference was akin to ‘Nero’ who played flute while Rome was burning, he added.

Lambasting the Deputy Chief Minster and his Saffron colleagues for their imbecility and lack of spine, Singh regretted that BJP’s cowardly posturing had taken a toll of Jammu’s very pride and honour. He said that it was highly distressing that the Kashmir centric leaders hold press conference in Jammu gnashing their teeth, depriving Jammu of already sanctioned projects with the Jammu’s elected leaders maintaining a lame duck posturing. He said that the yesterday’s press conference had amply demonstrated that it’s the PDP’s writ which runs in the state and the BJP leaders have to content with the lollypops of ministries with no consultation being held with them on any issue.

Appealing to the people of Jammu region to take the call for protecting the dignity and honour of Dogras, Harsh Dev Singh said that it was not only the question of AIIMS or the Artificial Lake project and other allied issues but the larger and most important issue of Jammu’s self respect and pride. He called upon the Chamber of commerce, Bar Association, Congress, BSP, Samajwadi Party, CPI, CPM, Janta Dal, Intellectual forums, JPPF, JUTA, Bajrang Dal, Shri Ram Sena, VHP,Shiv Sena, Kranti Dal, NSF,JWAM, traders associations, Hindustan Shiv Sena, NSUI, NPSU, AISSF, JJSF, JURSA, transport bodies, SOS International, WPRs besides other organization to join hands to give a united fight for the cause of Jammu region.

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