The Bold Voice of J&K

Harmonizing environment & sustainable development


Dr Banarsi Lal

Every year 5th of June is celebrated as the World Environment Day across the globe to mark the environmental awareness among the people. It is the biggest international day for the environment. The major objective of the event is to protect the nature and contemplate on growing environmental issues. On this day various government and Non-Government Organisations (NGOs), individuals, communities, charities, institutions etc. create awareness on environmental issues. It is celebrated by organizing various seminars, webinars, lectures, conventions, campaigns, concerts, tree plantation, essay writing, painting competitions etc. The theme of 2022 World Environment Day is “Only One Earth” and Sweden is the host country for it. This day provides us an opportunity to take responsible steps to preserve our environment. This particular day is dedicated to spread the awareness and message among the people to save the environment and planet Earth. In 1972, the United Nations Conference on the human environment was held from 5th June to 16th June. After that, every year 5th of June is celebrated as the World Environment Day.
We have 7 continents on the planet Earth. Every human being has only one dream which is to live better, to eat better and to consume better. But majority of them never care for the environment and planet Earth. Present population is more than 7 billion in the world but we have only one planet to live and survive. We have limited food, limited place and limited shelters. If we keep on using natural resources as we are doing every day, a day will come when our own grand children shall be forced to live homeless with full of hunger. So it’s better to consume the natural resources with care and responsibility. So, we should stop the wastage of natural resources and use them according to our need not on our greed. Each of us knows the importance of nature. It consists of all the living beings on the earth, which are mutually interdependent on each other. But due to the excessive pollution caused by human beings, many species are becoming extinct and the global climate is also changing at a very rapid rate. The changing climate is inversely affecting our health and also going to give a long term effect on our future generations. We know that millions of people on the Earth depend on forest for their livelihood. Every living being is dependent on plants and trees. Only the plants and trees can make our food. But, we people are degrading the forests in a rapid rate.
The concept of environmental protection and sustainable development of material resources represent at present a preoccupation of all the states of the world. This concept has made society conscientious and on the same time, recognised importance of environmental factors. The situation regarding the environmental protection and durable development is one of great actuality and importance. Durable development has to be made in such a way as to reduce the negative outcomes of the artificial structures, simultaneously satisfying some of the needs of the people and guaranteeing the liveliness of the future generations. Presently about one million species are facing extinction. There is dire need to re-examine our relationship with nature. Although we are having numerous technological advancements but still we are completely dependent on healthy ecosystem for our food, clothes, shelter, health, water, medicines, fuel, energy etc. It is fact that nature acts as the solution of our many problems. Nature is closely associated with the climate change, food security and health. Biodiversity is badly affected due to our short-sighted activities including infrastructure development, chemical farming, deforestation, mining etc. All these activities have degraded the ecosystem and have created the pandemic like situations. There is urgent need to work together for the resilient and sustainable global economy. The exploitation of renewable and non-renewable energy resources and rapid increase in the urbanization are severely affecting the biodiversity. Sustainable development is the only way to mitigate the needs of our present and future generations. It also ensures the health of the planet Earth. It has been observed that around 25 per cent of all animals and plants species are threatened with extinction. On this particular day we should create awareness on preserving the endangered habitats among the people. We should also make efforts for the natural farming to minimize the soil pollution and produce the safe food for the mankind.
Biodiversity is the foundation for the life and for the essential services provided by ecosystems. It plays as a key catalyst to transform our food system system and thus improves the human health. It is the foundation for our food and health and plays a key catalyst to transforming food systems and improving human health. A wide range of events are organized globally to increase the understanding of the important role of biodiversity for our present and future generations. The biodiversity we observe today is the outcome of over 3.5 billion years of evolutionary history, shaped by the natural processes. It underpins peoples’ livelihoods and sustainable development in all realms of socio-economical activity, including agriculture, forestry, fisheries, tourism etc. Biodiversity is a global asset. Biodiversity forms the web of life of which we are an integral part and upon which we are fully dependent. Biological diversity is the natural biotic capital of the earth which affects all of us. Human beings derive the supply of food, medicines, energy and many industrial products from biological resources. The environmental crisis is an existential threat. Pandemics are related to the environmental crisis, helping to nurture and host novel germs. Even in present era many people are not aware about some serious environmental issues-from air pollution to toxic dumps to pesticides to loss of biodiversity. There are enormous challenges but there are also vast opportunities on environmental action. Environmental protection is considered as the biggest challenge for the mankind. India is one of the richest nations in the world in terms of biological diversity. India has about 15,000 species of flowering plants, 969 species of birds, 389 species of reptiles and 317 species of mammals. India has relatively large number of frogs, salamanders and their kiths and kins. Brazil is the most biologically diverse nation in the world. India stands 10th in terms of biological diversity. Some parts of the country are very rich due to a variety of natural causes in biological diversity and some are less. The Loss of biodiversity across the globe has increased alarmingly and many wildlife and plant species are on the verge of extinction. We all need to understand that biodiversity is the foundation for our life and ultimately it ensures our livelihoods and sustainable development. Strenuous efforts are needed to protect the planet Earth.

(The author is Head, KVK Reasi, SKUAST-J).

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