The Bold Voice of J&K

Habitual use of flying machines

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Dear Editor,
This is in reference to the news finding space in the media on the subject; it is real expose of the BJP ministers enjoying their flying trips just for nothing, on the hard earned money of people paid for the development of the state in the form of taxes. These white elephants are creating unnecessary burdens on the State exchequer. As revealed of the 60 sorties during financial year 2014-15, 45 were made by the BJP ministers and on BJP requests, is a matter of concern and a thorough probe is required as to the delivery by these BJP white elephants connected with these air travels as the performance of these ministers had remained zero on the ground thus losing their acceptance in Jammu region day by day. More shameful expose is the use of flying machines by BJP ministers even on short distances of less than 20 kilometers and using it six times in a day in Kishtwar district and in between Jammu-Udhampur, Jammu-Billawar, Doda-Chanderkot, and Nehru Helipad-Srinagar Airport etc. If we compare the air travels of their counter alliance ministers from PDP, we have to admit that they are much behind the BJP ministers in enjoying Air travels.
These frequent users of flying machines should realise that they are not kings of the society but public servants and have been given mandate to ease the public sufferings, and not to enjoy luxurious life in palatial bungalows, battery of SUVs, platoons of security personnels, handsome pay and perks. They should shed this princely style of living and enjoying on the blood of poor people and once must peep into their earlier life before getting these ministries to realise their ground reality and their positions of an ordinary person.
Mahadeep Singh Jamwal

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