The Bold Voice of J&K

Habit of reading books is dying out among students, youngsters

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Tara Chand Bhagat

Merely a century ago there used to be a good habit of reading books among the students and youngsters but slowly and gradually that continue got to be fade,droop and with the passage of time got diminished among the modern students and youngsters. However, there is no denying the fact that even after that period of time we may cite several examples of good readers whether they were of mediocre standards are intelligent ones. They all had the good habit of reading textbooks, books, religious books or the books of their own interests. This good habit of theirs had also told upon good impressions on their lives in such a way that most of them could be able to become great men. An example of Mahatma Gandhi is worthwhile to be quoted when he read a book of Satyavadi Harishchandra that revolutionised extremely his life style. He learnt a lesson of speaking the truth which ultimately became the fundamental principle in his life to be propagated for the integrity and national unity amongst the people of the country. He also used a weapon of Satyagrah peacefully to fight against the Britishers who had enslaved us for more than two centuries. Such is the power of speaking the truth that’s why he believed in a principle of Non-violence not only to be driven out the Britishers from the sacred soil of our mother country but also preached this very principle not to kill any human beings, speechless birds and animals who do more good than humans for the maintenance of the eco-system of the environment.
He also learnt a lesson from reading religious books of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, a principle of obedience and he used this principle by the name of ‘Civil Disobedience Movement’ against Simon Commission. Besides great personalities of India like those of Rajendra Prasad, Dr. Sarvapalli Radha Krishnan, Dr. Zakir Hussain, Sardar Vallabh Pai Patel, Netaji Subas Chandra Bose, Gurudev Rabindra Nath Tagore, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and J.L. Nehru were the prominent figures whose mention I would like to present in a impressive manner that they were the greater readers of several other books thoroughly despite of books prescribed in their syllabi that’s why they could be able to be great writers whose vast literatures of any nature are there to be studied by the students and youngsters of the modern society.
The National Song-Jan Gana Mana is the finest creation of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore whenever is recited in a disciplined way inspires every Indian to be a patriot of modern India. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was also a great rememberable renowned personality whose literature is also worth reading. He has had written several books to which one can get inspired to be a great leader. He was a great writer with the establishment of a library at Great Britain. He is considered to be the chief architect of the Indian Constitution. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel was not only a great writer but also a great patriot of ‘Nationalism’ who got united 560 princely independent states into one country called now ‘Mother India’. It was only Sardar Saheb who could alone, none anybody else do this herculean task to which we can say proudly that modern India-right from Kashmir to Kanyakumari is one vast country. The name of such great persons will ever be remembered in the Indian history of the country. If one just happens to study the literature and books written by him, one gets inspired to be a true Indian. Such is the impression of reading his books. Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan was a great philosopher and teacher in the stream of Law.He was a LLM i.e. Master of Laws. Once he said in a convocation that he had revised his LLM syllabus for hundred times. It seems as to how he had got great interests in his subject of Law. Netaji Subas Chandra Bose was a great disciplined personality who had firm belief in ‘Nationalism’. One who reads his books can get disciplined in one’s life. His supreme sacrifice will ever be remembered in the history of freedom of India. He led an ‘INA’ to fight against the Britishers who had enslaved Indians-the real rulers of the country. Netaji’s words still echo in the minds of Indian people with the inspiring slogan ‘JAI HIND’ is full of the spirit of ‘Nationalism’. Netaji was the first ICS of pre independence.
I would request all parents and teachers to inculcate/cultivate reading habits amongst students and youngsters as this good and cultured habit of reading books has been died out ;as the youngsters as well as students have been getting engaged more and more with modern technology, spending hours together online on social media, texting and gaming on electronic devices including smartphones, tablets, laptops and internet etc.
Undoubtedly these days most of the activities are accomplished electronically pushing the old tradition of handling a book further down. The reading habit of books, literature, newspapers, magazines -fortnightly and monthly is disappearing at an alarming rate, as people especially youths and teenage groups becoming disinterested to study books rather showing keen interests for smartphones, internet and social media. But they don’t understand the importance and significance of the culture of reading books is better for independent knowledge acquisition and impact of life-long learning. It gives rise to a good habit in a person the requisite and essential attitudes for self- advancement and national development. Unfortunately the electronic gadgets driven age has disturbed everything. Rather discouraging them to take up books for reading and learning out of the knowledge contain therein these good books.
Reading of books is very much essential for creating a variety of creativities and activities making healthy atmosphere for the literate people of the modern society. Habit of reading good books would definitely develop an intellectual activity. It not only nourishes one’s intellect but also helps in developing mind and personality of a reader whosoever wants to be a thinker. It transforms one’s lazy and indolent attitudes into good behaviour even as ones habits are totally altered reading good books. Simultaneously the character of a reader of good books automatically changes into the traits of truth, honesty, good-turn, rendering help to others to be obedient to his elders, parents, gurus, teachers and to be shown kindness to the blinds, the poor, handicapped ones are developed from the core of the heart of a reader.
I would again request all the parents, teachers and elders to cultivate the habit of reading books among the children, kids, students, youngsters which is the most fundamental and basic aspect of education. Reading of books, literature, newspapers is essential for the overall development and upbringing of all childrens, kids, students, youngsters and others. There is every scope of improvement in their physical, mental, character and conduct, behaviour and dealings with others if they try to turn their mood inclination and full involvement with digital gadgets.

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