The Bold Voice of J&K

Genuine demand of PM package employees


Dear Editor,
Unfortunately the target killings of Kashmiri Pandits continue unabated, which is very deplorable and sad. The Pandits are becoming cannon fodders for the guns of the indoctrinated Islamist terrorists for no fault of theirs but for the only reason that these unfortunate people belong to a different faith and religion. It is very sad and disturbing that this time the barbaric brutes have once again targeted the innocent youth of the miniscule Kashmiri pandit community. The terrorists have killed a PM Package employee Rahul Bhat (a clerk in the Revenue Department) that too in the office premises which in itself show that even the offices at Tehsil Headquarters are not safe for the minorities who are working there. After the last year’s killing of a PM Package employee Deepak Chand (also killed in school premises while on duty), the LG’s administration had assured full proof security and safety of all Migrant Package employees who are working across the Kashmir valley in different departments. But very unfortunately again Package employees are becoming the soft targets in Kashmir and now all the package employees are feeling total unsafe and insecure in the valley. These package employees are not scapegoats and cannot serve in Kashmir at the cost of their lives. However, it is also not feasible to provide security to each and every PM package employee in Kashmir. Even the police personnel are being targeted in Kashmir valley by the terrorists day in day out. Under the fear of gun, these PM package employees wouldn’t be able to serve in Kashmir further as there is fear-physcosis among them. Instead of experimenting with PM package employees, the government must absorb these unfortunate sons of soil in different departments outside the valley. So if centre government is really serious and concerned about the plight of PM package employees, then these migrant package employees may immediately be adjusted in different departments across the Jammu province and in other states of India. Is LG’s administration listening is the million dollar question?

Pappu Ji Kaul,
Janipur, Jammu.

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