The Bold Voice of J&K

Flood relief distribution: Div Comm asked to file status report

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JAMMU: Taking cognizance over the government inaction in relief distribution to the flood affected, a Division Bench of State High Court comprising Chief Justice M. M Kumar and Justice Tashi Rabstan directed Divisional Commissioner Jammu to file a status report within two weeks on relief distribution.
The Bench also asked the President Senior Advocate M.K Bhardwaj and Executive Members of the Bar Association, Jammu to point out to furnish details of cases where relief has not been given to the flood affected and asked Advocate AP Singh appearing for the petitioners to place the same on record so that appropriate directions are issued.
Senior Advocate Bhardwaj also met 50 odd persons in the presence of concerned Additional Deputy Commissioner, Tehsildar, Dy.SP at Panjar where a camp has been set up for survivors of this hamlet.
In the meanwhile the Bench asked counsel for the petitioners to bring on record the names of 30 families, who have not been given adequate relief.
The PIL was filed by two practicing Advocates namely Ajay Bakshi and Tariq Rasool Wani highlighting the inaction of the Government to deal with the situation caused by the floods.
After hearing Advocate A.P Singh for the PIL whereas Senior AAG Gagan Basotra for the state observed that by an order dated 24th September, 2014, Supreme Court appointed a committee, comprising of senior most Registrar to be nominated by the Chief Justice of Jammu and Kashmir High Court and four other members to submit an interim report with regard to the distribution of relief in the State of J and K.
Accordingly, Suresh Sharma, Registrar General was appointed as convener of the committee and other members of the committee were the President, Bar Association Jammu and Srinagar, Director, Disastrous Management, Ministry of Home Affairs as the nominee of the committee and the Secretary, Revenue Department, J and K State as the nominee of Government of J and K.
A report was submitted by the committee. However, the nominee of the J and K State, Vinod Kaul Commissioner-Secretary to Government, Revenue Department, J and K Government did not sign the said report by sending a letter dated 9.10.2014 to Registrar General of this Court, stating that 21 districts have been affected during the floods and he could not accompany the committee to Poonch and Rajouri due to bad weather.
He suggested that the date i.e 10th of October 2014 which was fixed by the Supreme Court needs to be extended. However, rest of the members of the committee submitted a report and has opined that the relief distributed is inequitable and inadequate.
In respect of Jammu Division, the Committee has opined in the report with regard to the status report filed by Deputy Commissioners, Jammu, Udhampur, Reasi, Kishtwar and Poonch.
In the status report filed by the Deputy Commissioner Jammu, it has been stated that on 10th September, 2014, a sum of Rs. 200 lakh were released for expedient payment and the funds out of SDRF were also placed at the disposal of respective Sub-Divisional Magistrates for prompt disposal of the relief cases by making payment to the sufferers under SDRF norms.
Till the date of filing of the report, funds to the tune of Rs.13.29 corer were also released in favour of the Sub Divisional Magistrates for making payment to the affected families under SDRF norms and the details have been furnished in the form of annxure R-3.
It is claimed that after assessing the damages of private properties of the people, 100 per cent ex-gratia stands assessed in favour of the affected persons and the process of verification of damages has been completed which is again re-verified by the District Level Committees constituted vide letter No.GAD (Adm)250/2014/V dated 5th October, 2014. The ex-gratia relief has either been made or is in the process of being made to the affected families directly by making online payment and is deposited in the accounts of sufferers. With regard to the relief received from various NGOs, it has been claimed that items which were received have been distributed to the affected persons during September-October 2014.
Division Bench further observed that Deputy Commissioner, Udhampur has also submitted a report accompanied by annexure- R-1. The total amount claimed to have been sanctioned/distributed amongst the affected families up-to 22th October, 2014 is detailed as ex-gratia and ration distributed up to 25th October, 2014 in District Udhampur has also been given to 49 death cases Rs.73,50,000 @ 1.50 lakh.
Division Bench further observed that the distribution of food as per the report of the Committee is not up to the claim made by the State Government. The common man in these flood affected areas in the District Udhampur has not been benefited to the extent claimed by the State Government. In para No.4 of the report, the prevailing situation in village Sadddal of Tehsil Moungri in Udhampur has been sketched by the Committee. There was a small hamlet perched on a hillock with 121 household which got perished on 9th of September 2014 on account of land slide caused by incessant rains causing deaths of 23 persons and 17 persons are still missing after a month whose fate could be imagined.JNF

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