The Bold Voice of J&K

Faces of social media

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Sunaina Malik

It would not be wrong to call social media as a flyover which facilitates million of stranger souls to get acquainted with each other. As a social working site, it was first launched by a former Harvard University student Mark Zuckerberg in Feb. 2004 in Boston. During initial years this website was restricted to only students of Harvard university. But by 2006 this website become viral to every one above the age of 13 years with valid e-mail. In a very short span of time social media has become most populated used website through out this world. If we talk about India, there are about 92+ million active social media users. India is second largest country of Facebookies in the world. To your surprise this number is still raising by leaps and bounds and by 2016 India may acquire first rank in this chase. In count to this social media account has even become a status symbol in our today’s society. People would laugh at you, if you are not on social media. From here one can envisage the popularity and acceptability of social media in human dwellings.
As we all know that every coin has two faces, in the similar way social media is also preoccupied by good and awful effects on human society. Following are some of most extensively felt beneficial and ill effects of social media.
Making New Relations
As we all know that human being is a social animal, so a human heart and mind remain wandering in interminable quest of making new relations time and again and social media appears for them as pool of water in a desert to fully quench their thrust of making new relations with different people.
World as a Global Village
Facebook has established it self as a web of a spider. Happenings in one corner of America can reach in upper reaches of China in no time. Social networking sites are more swift than our print and electronic media. People sitting in their drawing room can air any news to the world at large. In short we can say that social media has left no stone unturned in reducing this million miles stretched universe into a global village.
Platform for Freedom of Speech Social media emerges as a most admired platform where every common man can fully enjoy his or her freedom of speech. It will not be wrong to entitle social media as a mouth piece of a Aam Adami. By showing content or discontent over any Govt. policy, every common man can very straightforwardly show the acceptability or rejection of a particular Govt. policy or order. In this way common man can also become the part of policy making in a country.
No Unnecessary Confrontation
Face bookies are less likely to confront with people around them because as a magical world the world of social mediakeeps them demanding, relaxed and blissful with in it.
As a matter of, fact if a factory provides you the basic necessities of life those beneficial merchandise reach to you after parting harmful chemicals in air and water. Similar is the case here, if at one hand social media proved as a boon to our societies, on the other hand it is also deteriorating the infra structure of our civilisation by the following ways.
Continuously Online
Today we do not find any student, teen, adult and even old, who is not busy on social media. It appears as if they are existing in some other world, having no sense of concern with the relations around. In count to this is our student community which is at the decisive juncture of their life. Their affinity with the social media is de tracking them from the trail of their studies.
Disturbance in Marital Relations
As per a survey conducted, social media is blamed for one in every five divorces. An American lawyer said, ‘social media
is one of the key sources of dilemma in relation ships.’
Fuel to Animal Instinct
Notorious elements on social media provoke animal instinct present in we humans. Thus luring the wholesome human souls to adopt the erroneous path. These tarnished elements also entice innocent girls for job or for marriage and later on throw them in the gloomy world of flesh trade.
Criminals on social media by pretending to be naive, also cause loot to many influentials by hacking their bank accounts.
Loss of Sense of Conscientiousness
Facebook has imbibed a sense of frivolity amid people, particularly males are getting more apathetic about their conscientiousness of running a family by enduring incessant busy on social media. Things have reached up to the extent that people remain more pleased with their social media acquaintances than their devoted mother, father, wife and children.
It would be indigestible if I suggest you to impede the gratuitous exercise of social media but what would you do of that social media account if your children emerge as a failure in his or her life?
What would you do of that social media account if your wife divorces you?
What would you do of that social media account if some hacker deprives you of your riches?
What would you do of that social media account if some criminal lures your daughter towards erroneous corridors?
What would you do of that social media account if your aged parents expire in pursuit of you?
What would you do of that account if you fall short to maintain your family in your dominion?
(E mail [email protected])

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