The Bold Voice of J&K


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K.V. Seetharamaiah
Irving Kristol, American Journalist, founder, editor and contributor to various magazines, dubbed as “godfather of neoconservatism”, has aptly said “Democracy does not guarantee equality – it only guarantees equality of opportunity”.
The unassailable equality that we have is only in two. Death is certain to all. God does not discriminate between the haves and have-nots, good and bad people, theocrat or aesthetic. Everybody and every living things are bound to face death one day or the other. Equality has been well established here. The Constitution grants equality in respect of voting. Everybody irrespective of one’s status enjoys the right to vote for the candidates of their choice in the elections. Equalities are two in number. One is God-given and the other is Constitution-given. Death is compulsory to all. But voting is optional (since it has not been made mandatory). Inequality in educational opportunities and job opportunities is well entrenched in the present day system. If equal opportunities are given to all in education without considering caste, creed, region and religion, an intelligent and hard-working person will be far ahead of others in the race of learning. Giving equal opportunity is the starting point. Capable person reaches the goal post first. Retarding the growth of an active person to make an inactive person come to the level of an active person should not be the instrument of policy of any government anywhere in the world. Aristotle says “The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal”. Everybody cannot be doctor, engineer, advocate, teacher. A person’s intelligence and capability may support him to become an engineer. If another person has interest, intelligence and capability to become an advocate or teacher, it would be an exercise in futility if attempt is made to make him a doctor. What Aristotle says is correct. No attempt should be made to make unequal things equal. There must be equality to all at the starting point. Who reaches first the destination point depends upon the capability of the person reaching the destination first.
Equality beyond voting rights is more important for a healthy society and healthy nation.

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