The Bold Voice of J&K

Elections of J and K politics-ending 2014

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Isher Singh Jasrotia

Assembly elections for J and K Assembly were held in the year 2008 for six years time. A few months back in the month of April, the Lok Sabha Elections 2014 were held which was considered as the crucial period in the Indian politics and now Assembly elections of J and K is being held in Novemember – December 2014 which is also very interesting.
In the Lok Sabha Election 2014,  all parties have shown their dirty politics by making allegations against each other, the aim being “the lust for power”. It is admitted fact that in every election, whether it is Lok Sabha or State Assembly elections, every candidate/party including the BJP, Congress and other associated parity has gone to the extent of putting allegations against each other’s candidature, merely to seek votes in their favour.
The candidate in whatever party he may be associated, has gone to the extent of involving into every activity to win on the basis of propagating false propagation of false promises i.e decrease in prices of essential commodities, improvement in the education system by establishment of new schools and colleges, employment opportunities to the younger generation and multifarious other false promises. All these false promises are forgotton once the elections are over and the government is formed whether in the Centre or the State. In fact, this process is going on since the independence and will continue until and unless some laws are formulated in the Parliament to change the system. But it is imagining as to who will form the new laws for making amendments in the election system in the India politics as the laws are formulated by these leaders themself.
It is matter of concern for the voters to give due importance of their votes and vote to the candidate after making the judgment keeping in view his/her past history, credibility and not to waste his/her vote. The fact is that the voters are now confused as to in whose favour to cast vote, if the voter is in favour of previous candidate, the (particular candidate) has changed his party, then to whom to cast vote, hence the voter is confused and not able to make assessment and decide even after analysing and taking into consideration false promises made by the candidates i.e decrease in prices of essential commodities, improvement in the education system, employment opportunities to the younger generation or the other  false promises.
These leaders have forgotten all the promises made in their campaigning times and manifesto and now after the election, they are bent upon to seek the power  in any way. They are not worried of the promises rather they are worried for their kith and kin, relatives and associates for adjusting them both financially and politically in any manner they like.
They have even forgotten the oath taken during oath ceremony in the Parliament and Assembly of their states setting aside the philosophy of our Constitution; hence it is only mockery of the democracy.
In the present prevailing circumstances, as also advertised by many channels, the leaders have forgotten the ideologies of great personalities who scarified for the liberation, had dreams and perception of bringing the nation above the poverty, miserableness, political degradation, cultural subordination and were source of enlightenment for our new generation.
A question arises, is this the Indian politics or the dreams of great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Ballabhai Patel or Subhash Chander Bose who had great dreams for the liberation of the nation?  Have their dreams and hopes not been dashed to the ground since these leaders are campaigning on dirty politics and are selfish? They are making mockery of the largest democracy of India, they have earlier done in the Parliament so many times; damaged the reputation of the Parliament, a temple where they take oath to serve the people/nation. These leaders are bent upon to adopt each and every way making the voters confused at the crucial stage in the name of religion, caste, creed or community.
One needs to give a deep thought over the crucial period of election when there is internal disturbances as well as threats being extended from the neighboring countries on the one hand and external threats by the countries like China and America who have manipulated the region by its strong diplomacy as has been done by Pakistan recently by breaking the cease fire on the Line of Control by which many families have suffered both in property and mankind.
Should not we scare of the countries like Pakistan which are bent upon to create and furtherance of the militancy at every crucial period? In this perspective, we need a strong government whosoever is given the mandate supported by the allied and associated parties who could give befitting reply to the country like Pakistan.
In this country, we are having learned philosophers, educationists and scientists but their services and potencials are not being utilised due to many prudent reasons who prefer to go abroad to earn money as they are not paid well here.
There is dire need to change the mindset of the people not to fall prey of the false propagandas of those leaders who  campaign and beg votes in the name of religion, community and vice versa. The voters should decide value of their votes as even one vote can decide the fate of any candidate.
Now in this election, the voters have to choose and take into consideration the credibility of a particular leader as to who is the person who can be the builder of the nation, State as well as the well wisher of the people and has the capability as true politician to get the funds for the general welfare of the people. We have got the example of AAP who have only befooled the public by not fulfilling the promises during the election campaign.
In this Assembly election being held in November December 2014,  the candidates are making allegations against each other/parties on the one or the other pretext and reasons, mixing the politics with religion, creating hatred and communal disharmony among the public, adopting every stunt, trend. They are even ready to go to the extent of changing the party affiliation on their not getting seat in the party, at the nick of time/crucial time as they have done previously. It usually happens when only few days are left consequently washing their dirty linen in the public. How the public can believe to these type of politicians?
Hence we can say that Indian politics has taken the shape of dirty politics. Let us hope and pledge and advise those leaders who have in their mindset the manifesto for the welfare for the public and also to the voters to be prudent and wise enough to choose the candidate with better caliber who could prove better in the eye of public. We also prey to the almighty to give better sense to them so that good will prevail upon during the election time and these leaders are stopped from changing the politics into dirty politics.

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