The Bold Voice of J&K

Dual ideology of lawyers affiliated to political parties

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Dear Editor,
How the social media is awaking the common man about the facts which never come into public domain, which is very important for the information of the common man to analyze the true spirit. The top ranking Lawyers of the country, all are politically affiliated lawyers. They have been defending the most infamous cases of assassination, the scams rocking the country, political murders, militants and top saints involved in the sex scams. Interesting information posted on social media with regard to the cases and defending lawyers of the accused affiliated to BJP. I like to share with the common man as to aware that how the political affiliated lawyers on one hand defend the political murders, accused of big scams, terrorists and sex scandals accused, militants and terrorists and occupy the ministerial berths, when their political affiliated parties come to power to make Laws and to curb scams which they have been defending when not in power. Hard facts are as under; do we know?Who was the lawyer of Indira Gandhi killer – BJP Member Ram Jethmalani, who was lawyer of Rajiv Gandhi killer – BJP Member Ram Jethmalani? Who was lawyer of Afzal Guru – BJP member Ram Jethmalani? Who is lawyer of Asaram – BJP member of Parliament Subramanium Swamy, who is Lawyer of Vodafone in Tax Scam – Current Finance Minister – Arun Jaitley, Who was Lawyer for Gujarat 500 cr Bank Scam accused-Current Finance Minister – Arun Jaitley, who was Lawyer in Bhopal gas tragedy in which 10000 Indians died for Warren Anderson – – Current Finance Minister – Arun Jaitley, who was Lawyer of scamster Lalit Modi – BJP CM Vasundhara Raje’s husband and daughter, who was Lawyer of Sahara scam accused Subrat Roy – current BJP minister Ravi Shanker Prasad, who was Lawyer of our smuggling accused Alemao – BJP Member Ram Jethmalani. A million dollar question is put into public domain to think how these Lawyers can bring good policies for curbing scams, political murders, sex scandals, militant activities and many more, when they occupy the ministerial berths in government, and defending the accussed of these offences when out of power. Yours Sincerely,
Mahadeep Singh Jamwal,

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