The Bold Voice of J&K

DFCO recalls pasta, noodles from market

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JAMMU: To curb the menace of food adulteration, Drug and Food Control Organisation (DFCO) conducted surprise inspection of various food establishments dealing with food articles for day to day consumption and found 1,728 packets of pasta and noodles. Upon this, the instructions were issued not to sell these products and take necessary steps to recall such food products from the market for further destruction as per norms within three days.
A team of the Food Safety Officers under the supervision of Sanjeev Kumar, Assistant Controller Food, Municipal Limits Jammu carried out surprise check of various food establishments in which Vermani Karyana Store, Nanak Nagar was put to thorough checking and observed that Noodles, Pastas and Macaroni with tastemakers of all makes and brands are available. Accordingly, in line with the guidelines issued by FSSAI, the above said food business operator was instructed not to sell these products.
After tracking the flow pattern of above food products, the team inspected premises of Angel Traders, Sanjay Nagar, Amit and Company, Dogra Hall (Both ITC Godown) and Madan Lal Kamal Kishore, Kanak Mandi, Jammu and found 1,728 packets of Pasta and Noodles. Accordingly, the said Food Business Operators were instructed not to sell these products and take necessary steps to recall such food products from the market for further destruction as per norms within three days.
Meanwhile, Licensing Authority, Jammu (Retail) issued show cause notice to M/s Rama Medicos, Anand Nagar, Tomal Bohri, Talab Tillo under Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules 1945 for alleged involvement in procurement of intoxicating drugs. The Proprietor cum Qualified Person of said firm was detained by Incharge, Police Post Canal Road, Jammu.
The firm has been given a week’s time to explain its position failing which ex-party decision shall follow. Raids of Goods Carriers NITCO Roadways and DHL at Narwal Bye Pass were also carried out by the Officers of Drugs Control to check State Bound Consignments particularly with an objective to tighten noose on unscrupulous elements indulging in unfair trade practices (import of intoxicating and habit forming drugs).

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