The Bold Voice of J&K

Datesheet of Higher Secondary Examination PART-II Bi-annual, Session 2014 Private

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October-November (Bi-annual) Session 2014 Private
Jammu Province (Summer Zone only) to be held in January 2015
(Single Paper Scheme)
Timing: 12.45 PM

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Note:- i) The aforementioned Date Sheet shall be applicable for eligible candidates for the said examination, as per BOSE norms.
ii) The Examination are advised to adhere the instructions strictly given on the back side of the Admit Card, is to issued to them in due course of time.
iii) The Practical Examination in all the concerned subjects shall he held after termination of Theory Examination i.e on 09-02-2015 (Monday),  as per the date sheet to be issued by the Divisional Office, Jammu and concerned Sub/Branch Offices of BOSE.
iv) All Heads of Govt./Private Recognized/affiliated Institutions of Jammu province (Summer Zone areas) shall collect the Roll No. slips/Admit Cards of their candidates from the concerned BOSE Office (Sub/Branch Offices/Head Office, Jammu) w.e.f. 06th January 2015.
v) All the examinees are advised not to bring any kind of relevant/irrelevant material including electronic gadgets like Mobile Phone, Headphones etc. Which can help them toindulge in unfairmeans during the examination.

The Board Office,                                                                                                                                                                                                               Sd/-
Rehari Colony, Jammu                                                                                                                                                                                            Incharge Officer
Dated: 31-12-2014                                                                                                                                                                                                     Examination Wing, JD

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