The Bold Voice of J&K

Dark side of ‘Modi wave’

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Dear Editor,
No one today can neglect the fact that our Prime Minister Narendra Damodardass Modi has given a berth to the hopes and expectations in the minds of Indian masses regardless of their state, religion, age, sex and caste they belong to. So it is not wrong to call this ruling Govt ‘a Govt of hopes’.To be very candid, Narendra Modi has a political image of a good, honest and hardworking person boosted with his patriotic emotions to mother India. Here in this column I am trying to push the readers to the dark side of Modi wave.These days, the elections are in full swing in every nook and corner of Jammu and Kahmir. As far as Jammu Province is concerned, Modi wave seems to play a big magic this time.The bad thing about this is that presently most of the voters are giving their votes not only on the basis of BJP candidate contesting from their respective areas but in the name of Modi.However what we people are suppose to do is to vote for the right candidate and give strength to his voice so as to do more and more development works in his area. But on the ground, this doesn’t happens somewhere. Any kind of wave in politics is definately a threat for the democracy.Whosoever is contesting from an area with BJP ticket could script his victory not on his capability but in the name of BJP star-campaigner Modi. At the same time it doesn’t mean that all of the BJP candidates are not good enough to fetch votes by himself but some of those inspite of having their criminal records and notorious political image are likely to win these Assembly elections with a huge margin only because of Modi wave.Voting against a candidate who is honest but contesting not from BJP side or as independent is right and fair decision by voters. Hope the voters vote only for right candidate understanding the real difference between the mess and the messiah!
Abhishek Jandial
Gole Mela

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