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Concept, strategy for JEE Main 2017

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Ramesh Batlish
For about 12 lac students aspiring to become engineers, the CBSE is organising the largest exam of our country the JEE (Main)on 2nd April, 2017 in offline mode and on 8th-9th April, 2017 in Online mode. Through this exam the Top 2.2 lakh students will also get a chance to appear in the JEE(Advanced) scheduled on 21st May, 2017. The JEE main however will have a separate merit list for Admission to the NITS, IIITs, GFTIs and some deemed universities. Worth noting this year is that there is no weightage to Board Marks unlike last year where 40 per cent weightage was given to class XII board marks and 60 per cent to JEE Main score. Also, this year only those students who had a valid Aadhar card could only apply. The no. of attempts for this exam remains three.
Pattern of JEE (Main):
BE/B.Tech(Paper 1)- Entrance examination is of 3 hours having objective questions from Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics with equal weightage given to each subject. Each question will have four options. There is a negative marking of 1/4th marks also for incorrect answers.
B.Arch/B.Planning(Paper 2): Entrance examination will be of 3 hours having three parts: Mathematics, Aptitude test and Drawing test. While Mathematics and Aptitude test will have objective questions, drawing test will have questions to check the drawing aptitude of a student.
What a student is expected to do in the last one month before JEE:
A serious aspirant ideally must have completed the syllabus by now. The following three points now will ensure your success in JEE:
1. Time Management
2. Exam Strategy
3. Complete coverage of syllabi and a systematic revision plan
Few of the tips listed below will be of help:
In this last one month for students who are taking up Board Exams this time should be essentially used for taking up Mock Tests on lines of JEE(Main) & JEE(Advanced). Analysis of each paper is important to check the mistakes and to avoid repeating them in the actual JEE. The time gap between the Board Exams should be smartly utilised subject wise catering to the needs of both Boards and Entrance Exams. For students who are repeaters, may join a crash course for topic wise revision along with several Mock Tests on current pattern of JEE, else they should have a systematic revision plan involving rigorous testing conceptwise/chapterwise along with several mock Tests from reliable sources as per current pattern of the JEE.
Strategy to Attempt the questions in JEE(Main) Paper:
Sometimes the right strategy and time management play a vital role in deciding the rank for an aspirant. So, one must be quick enough to adapt to the level of the paper and act promptly. The following points may however be kept in mind when attempting the questions. One basic strategy could be not to give full time in one go to a particular instead allocate some time so that one could review this subject again. E.g. For a 3 hr paper with 3 subjects, generally students tend to give 1 hr each. It is advisable that they give 40-45 mins in attempting questions from any one subject they feel confident and move on to second subject and then to the third. In the remaining time the unsolved questioned may be reviewed. This would help in increasing the attempting rate. However, students may develop their own strategy based on their preferences.
Attempting JEE (Main) Offline and Online Exam:
Points to Remember for Students appearing for JEE Main through Computer Based Testing(CBT)
* Remember, in JEE (Main)-CBT the correct options are submitted by click of the mouse. It is important that questions be attempted in a sequence so as to remember your order of attempting the questions. It is advisable to take several Mock Test papers in Online Mode for JEE (Main) original Exam.
* One must scroll the screen to check if all questions are appearing on the screen before starting to attempt the questions.
* As all pages can be viewed through a tab on the top right side of the screen, select the subject you wish to take up first and ensure to click on the right option and save the option immediately. One must be careful to submit the paper only after all the questions in respective subjects Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics have been dealt with.
Points to Remember for Students appearing for JEE Main through Pen & Paper
* In offline (Pen & Paper) exam, check that you have got the entire question paper and no page is missing in between because of printing mistake.
* Attempt all subjects in 3 rounds and not attempt subject wise,
* Not allotting equal or fixed time per subject
* Attempting questions in the order of ease of doing them, where ease depends upon
both the ability to solve a question and time taken to solve it.
Systematic Revision Plan:
Clearing JEE (Main) is not a difficult task.Systematic approach towards its preparation alongwith a proper revision plan will help students get admission into one of the top National Institutes of Technology (NITs).
1. Identify the topics subject wise you have difficulties in remembering the formulae of solving questions
2. Take up previous year JEE Papers or question banks of reputed sources of these topics and solve them in a planned manner so that you can practice as much as possible in the gaps available between the Board Exam. E.g: the gap before Physics should be utilised for solving questions of topics in Physics so that your flow of preparation for boards does not get disturbed.
3. Keep a check on your problem-solving ability as spending too much time on a question you do not know will result in loss of adequate time for the easier ones.
4.Taking Mock Test and having a real time analysis have been found to be quite useful and students tend to learn from the mistakes and hence avoid repeating them on the D-Day.
What you may expect in JEE(Main)2017: Looking at the previous year trends, there is generally one question from each of the chapters in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics. So, selective study is not advisable. Given the weightage, in Mathematics you can expect more questions from Calculus and Algebra. In Physics, one can expect more questions from Mechanics & Electromagnetism. In Chemistry,there could be more questions from Physical and Organic Chemistry.
How you must handle surprises in the Paper:
Though there may not be any surprises as such. But there is no harm is being ready for some. Do not panic if you see something new (if not seen earlier in any sample paper or mock Test) as this will be new for all aspirants taking the exam. You may come across some questions, like:
* Options are marked differently or may be increased.
* Match the Following with correct match as options
* Integer type with last digit in options
* More no. of Statement- Assertion Type questions
* Some lengthy & time consuming questions
Tips for the JEE (Main)-Final Exam Day & a day before:
Following should be kept in mind while getting ready for JEE (Main)Exam Day.
* Think positively and don’t discuss about your preparation as this may indirectly make you nervous even if you are well prepared. Don’t talk anything about JEE (Main) with others.
* One day before JEE Main, do not study anything new.
* Stay calm, confident and trust yourself.
* Brush up important formulae in all three subjects.
* Say to yourself- “I am excited about JEE Main and I can crack it easily”.
* Relax yourself or indulge in meditation a day before the actual exam in order to give your best on the exam day.
* Don’t ask your friend how much they have studied. It will create unnecessary pressure.
* Have a sound sleep for at least 6-7 hours.
*Prepare yourself to reach the exam centre at least half an hour before the exam starts.
* Ensure to carry your JEE Main 2017Hall Ticket and stationery as mentioned on the admit card Avoid borrowing anything inside the examination hall.
* Finally, it is the relative performance that will matter on the exam day. So, put in your best performance and you will ace JEE Main 2017.
Expert Advice / Recommendation:Always attempt theoretical/fact based questions first and then questions which require calculation. It’s human nature that if you attempt a few confident questions in the beginning then you feel loaded with positive energy which increases your efficiency and speed for the rest of the paper. It is advisable to avoid lengthy numerical questions in the first 10 or 15 minutes of the exam.

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