The Bold Voice of J&K

Coalition Govt should stick to its commitments: JKSAC

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SAMBA: Jammu Kashmir Sharnarthi Action Committee, held a meeting at Abtal Camp, Samba under its President Gurdev Singh, in which the participants said that Mufti Government is no different than the earlier dispensations which had been keeping the issue of displaced persons of 1947 alive for the sake of political mileage. These political parties start buzzing around each and every Sharnarthi showing green pastures, new dreams, new promises and final assertions to clinch this issue but to their dismay the victims who are now in fourth generation continue to wait for their 68 years old issue.
While addressing the meeting Gurdev Singh President (JKSAC) came down heavily on State Govt, for not replying to the queries raised by Central Govt, even after the lapse of more than seven months and the issue is being delayed purposely. He said that it is an irony that despite of firm commitment to resolve the DP’s issue the coalition partners particularly BJP are ignoring the issue. He further said that the people gave them massive support to get the mandate hoping that the new Govt would resolve their decades old legitimate issue and would help them to compensate for their physical and material loss they suffered at the hands of Pakistani tribals. He expressed his serious concern regarding the cold response being shown by the Govt, and said the issue is being kept at the backburner which clearly indicates the vindictive attitude of the Govt.
He further said that Mufti Mohd Sayeed has very cleverly shifted the onus of responsibility on the shoulder of BJP by announcing the Formation Committee to look into the issue, and BJP is sitting over it till date. He said that it is now for BJP to show proper concern and force its alliance partner to accept and resolve DPs issue by asking the Central Govt, to pay relief compensation in lieu of their properties left behind. He further said that all the previous dispensations in the State had played with the aspirations and future of DPs and always indulged in political gimmicks which added to their sufferings and problems. Serious efforts were never made to resolve this legitimate human issue.
He asserted that it is very simple issue and lot of exercise and deliberations have already been done and only an honest will is required now to resolve it. The formation of more committees and boards would only delay the settlement. He urged upon the coalition partners to take up the issue seriously by sticking to their commitments and strengthening the people’s confidence in the government.
Prominent among those who addressed the meeting include Seth D.P Loubana, Phool Singh, Choudhary Rishi Pal and Rani Sharma.

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