The Bold Voice of J&K

Circular for e-Tendering limit put to abeyance

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JAMMU: In a petition filed by Ravinder Singh and others challenging the legality of Circular issued by Director Codes, Finance Department vide No. A/21(2003)-misc-A-531 dated 19th September, 2016 through which threshold limit of e-tendering of works and procurement contracts in the State was raised from Rs. 1,00,000 to 10,00,000 indicating thereby that procurements and works up to the value of Rs. 10,00,000 may not be put to e-tendering, Justice Janak Raj Kotwal issued notice to State and observed that by Circular No. 4 ITD of 2015 dated 20th May, 2015 issued by the State Government, Information Technology Department, whereby had this limit was lowered from 5,00,000 to 1,00,000 stands modified. It is pointed out that Circular No. 4 ITD was issued pursuant to the office memorandum of Department of Commerce, Government of India.
Senior Advocate R.K Gupta with Advocate Prem Sadhotra appeared for the petitioners while Deputy AG Farz Iqbal represented the state.
Court further observed that counsel for the petitioners has sought explanation in terms of Circular No. 4 ITD dated 20th May, 2015 wherein works and procurement contracts valuing more than Rs. 1,00,000 were put to e-tendering till date, in terms of the impugned Circular dated 19th September, 2016, while e-tendering was required only in regard to the works and procurement contracts valuing more than Rs. 10,00,000 and in this backdrop legality of the impugned Circular was assailed in the writ petition. Dy. AG opposed the maintainability of the petition and grant of interim relief and sought short adjournment for making his submissions.
Justice Kotwal after hearing both the sides ordered listing on 21st November, 2016 and meanwhile, as ad interim, subject to objections and till next date before the Bench only, the impugned Circular dated 19th September, 2016 be not given effect to.

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