The Bold Voice of J&K

Check Aadhaar leaks and fraud?

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Dear Editor,
Aadhaar is a well- intentioned scheme to plug leakages in welfare schemes, but the concerns associated with it are legitimate and cannot be ignored. Recent instances in several parts of the country point to how leakages have taken place (for instance, with M.S Dhoni) and show the need to usher in measures that will ensure that Aadhaar data remains secure and free from hacking. The unbridled enthusiasm with which the BJP Government at the Centre is promoting Aadhaar without lending its ears to genuine apprehensions raised from several quarters lends credence to the criticism of it trying to create a surveillance state. While regulating access to welfare schemes through Aadhaar, the government cannot afford to ignore the link between Aadhaar leaks and the emergence of possible frauds in welfare schemes.
Ramni Singh

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